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We were all confused when the man in the bag claimed to be a six-eyed and four-armed troll. We soon realized that it was indeed Blinky in human form. We went to the only troll who could possibly have answers as to why he was human now.

"I am at a complete and utter loss," Vendel said. We were all stood in his office. "I can turn wolftoads into willowbait, and willowbait into wolftoads, but this? What nonsense have you stumbled into now, Blinkous?"

"Nothing unusual." Blinky smiled nervously. Clearly not wanting to tell Vendel the truth.

"Eaten by Gatto." Argh spoke up, either not noticing that Blinky didn't want Vendel to know or just not caring. Either way, I found it funny and couldn't stop myself from snickering in amusement, earning a brief glare from Blinky.

"You went into Gatto's Keep?" Vendel asked as he glared at Blinky and inhaled deeply. "Just what kind of insanity possessed you?"

"It was my decision," Jim stepped forward. "We went for the Birthstone."

"And I had the unfortunate experience of being swallowed by that slubberdegullion and drenched by innumerous potions and-- Oh, my Gorgus!" Blinkys eyes went wide. "That must be the explanation for my transformation!"

"And why would you venture--?"

"To complete the Triumbric Stones." Jim cut him off. Blinky chuckled nervously and put his hand over Jim's mouth. My brother pulled Binkys hand away before continuing. "So we can destroy Gunmar and save Claire's brother."

Blinky stepped away from Vendel hesitantly. "Vendel mad?" Argh asked.

"Mad would be a significant improvement!" He shouted. "The Trollhunter is to protect the Trollmarket, not risk his life chasing stones from fairy tales." Jim pulled the purple stone out of his pocket and set it on the table beside him. Vendel gasped. "Oh, my... Gunmar's Birthstone. The legends are true." Vendel then put the stone in his pocket. "This stays here, safe from your bumbling hands."

"Speaking of hands, uh, when am I going to get my other two back?" Blinky asked.

"It could be days, weeks. It's impossible to know when an enchantment of this severity could wear off."

"Well, then, what shall I do until then?"

"It's your choice. Stay here for me to poke and prod, or enjoy your day in the sun. For as long as it lasts."

Vendel left the room and we all glanced at each other. Jim then smiled. "Guess we're heading out."

We all made our way to the Troll Market entrance. Jim opened up the doorway then stepped out into the sunlight. "You ready?" Jim turned to Blinky. "Don't worry, it's not gonna hurt." He held out his hand.

Blinky was about to reach out for it but he stopped and turned to Argh. "I'm sorry you won't be joining me on this adventure, my friend." Argh nodded reassuringly at Blinky. But when Blinky turned back around, Argh frowned. I could tell he was a little upset about the whole thing.

Blinky hesitantly put his hand in Jim's then stumbled out of the doorway. He tensed up but soon relaxed after realizing that the sun wasn't burning him. "There you go. See? You're fine." Jim smiled.

Blinky gasped and stared up at the sun. "It's so..." He flinched away and covered his eyes. "bright!"

"Yeah, well, don't stare at it." My brother chuckled.

"Master Jim, I want to see more!" Blinky started to run off. Jim quickly ran after him. I looked beside me and noticed that Argh was still frowning, staring after where his friend just left.

"Anna, are you coming!?" I heard Jim shout for me.

"I'll meet up with you later!" I shouted back. Then I looked to the troll beside me and smiled. "Come on Argh, we can hang out for a bit."

He seemed to cheer up a bit after that.

Half-Sister // TrollhuntersWhere stories live. Discover now