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Jim, Toby, and Claire were speaking by the lockers. I decided to keep my distance. What was the point of listening to their conversation when I had nothing to contribute to it? All I ever do is sit and listen because half the things they say go right over my head. It's been weeks since finding out that Trolls exist and I still haven't completely wrapped my head around all of it.

"Hey, Anna." Jim walked over to me. I glanced over his shoulder and noticed that both Toby and Claire were absent. Jim noticed who I was looking for and quickly filled in the blanks. "They went to deliver something for me. I was hoping you'd come with me to the Touch-A-Truck-athon thing. I don't really want to listen to Steve's nonsense all by my lonesome."

"Sure." I shrugged, giving him a small smile. I was actually kind of surprised he thought to ask me. I was also glad. We've both been so busy lately that we haven't really had a chance to hang out other than when we're studying or running for our lives.

We both headed to the front of the school where Señor Uhl, the Spanish Teacher, was waiting beside his pearly white truck. Steve was waiting there as well, with his usual pompous grin. Elijah Pepperjack and three of the girls from school arrived soon after. They all placed a hand on the truck and then Uhl announced that the contest had started.

Steve started taunting my brother. Though I blocked out the conversation when Steve revealed he was wearing a diaper. Gross. I started doodling in my notepad while I waited for it to be over. I looked up when one of the girls ran past me. As I watched her go my gaze switched over to someone approaching the truck and my eyes widened when I realized who it was.

"Mr. Lake, I've been meaning to speak with you." Principal Strickler smiled at Jim. I took a small step back out of fear, though I knew it was irrational, it wasn't as if Strickler would do anything in front of this many students. "I received word from a mutual acquaintance, Mr. Rot. He said you had lost something rather valuable the other day." He chose his words carefully so no one but Jim would understand.

"I'll get it back." Jim retorted, but Strickler wasn't phased at all.

"Sure, you will." Strickler chuckled, then he placed a hand on Jim's shoulder. Acting as if they were friends. It made my blood boil, especially because I couldn't do anything to stop it, and his next words just made me angrier. "Oh, and I'm on my way to another lunch date with your mother. It's a shame you won't be able to join us. You don't happen to have a breath mint on you, do you?"

Strickler laughed. Jim clenched his hand into a fist. He looked like he was about ready to hit the guy, though I knew my brother wouldn't actually do that. Right? I could feel the tension in the air. But all of it disappeared when one of the girls spoke up, holding up a small tin. "I have a breath mint." She said.

Señor Uhl stepped toward the truck. "Adiós, Shannon. Darci wins for the girls." He announced. I wasn't paying attention after that though, because when Strickler turned to leave he finally noticed my presence. Suddenly his eyes glowed again, just like that day in the gym, it only lasted a second. I flinched, then I mentally cursed myself for showing fear. He chuckled before taking his leave.

My hands clenched into fists by my sides. I really was useless, wasn't I?

Four hours had gone by when the teacher decided it was a good idea to leave his truck unsupervised with three teenage boys. Steve immediately took his chance to attack Jim who tried to defend himself without hurting anyone. He knew how to properly fight, whereas Steve just threw punches that didn't even land half the time.

I sighed and began to make my way into the school so I could get the teacher. Of course, I didn't want Jim to get in trouble, but I was more worried about someone getting hurt. By the time I got inside Señor Uhl was already heading outside to figure out what all the noise was. I followed him back out to find both Jim and Steve stopped touching the truck. Eli was announced the winner.

Jim sighed as he headed over to me. "Toby's not going to be happy about this." I chuckled.

Jim groaned. "I know. But honestly, I was kind of hoping I'd lose." I gave him a confused look as he sighed once more. "I have way too much on my mind. I don't think I'd be able to balance another thing on top of it all, you know?"

I hesitantly reached out and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. He gave me a surprised look. I was fairly surprised myself, I'm usually not the touchy-feely type. "Maybe you should take a break. I could try asking mom to take us camping or something. You could really use a vacation."

Jim chuckled at that. "Yeah, that would be nice. If only school wasn't a thing, then we could just take a vacation whenever we wanted."

"If only." I sighed. Then we both laughed. It felt good, just being able to spend some time with my brother, even if Strickler and Steve got in the way earlier. I felt like the day was going to end on a high note. Things were okay.

But then we got back to Trollmarket and found out that Toby got himself his own Trollhunter weapon. Claire and Toby started training and Jim joined them. I was once again left alone with my thoughts.

And my head has been a pretty dark place recently...

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