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"How would you like to go to the Spring Fling with me?"

I sighed as I turned around. "Toby, you're like another sibling to me. There is no way in hell I'm being your date to the dance."

"Darn." Toby grumbled as he headed back to where Jim was standing in the hall. I rolled my eyes and headed to my next class.

The Spring Fling was the school dance. I've never been to a dance before, mainly because my parents never let me and because I could never land a date. I've never had a boyfriend before and I doubt I'll be getting one anytime soon.

The school day seemed to go by fast. Before I knew it, the last period bell rang. We exited the classroom and I noticed Claire out in the hallway.

"Hey, Claire," I walked over and she turned upon hearing me. "I was wondering if you could tell me what happened to you guys last night? Jim seemed rather distant when he got home."

Claire then explained to me what happened with the glass monsters and the new troll they encountered. Angor Rot. "I wish you had been there with us. We could have used the extra help." She said before turning and walking away.

Yeah, like I would have been very helpful. I thought to myself with a frown.

We all met up outside the school then headed straight for Troll Market. Jim left to speak with Vendel so that left Claire, Toby, and I to wait. Claire decided to go read some of the Troll history books while Toby went to find something to eat. I was left on my own, with my thoughts. I started thinking about the school dance.

For the longest time, I wondered what it would be like. Dancing, eating, hanging out with friends. It sounded like so much fun. Sadly I've only been at the school for a few months, the only students I'm remotely close to are Jim, Toby, and Claire. I've hung out with Claire's friends, Darci Scott and Mary Wang a few times but I don't exactly know them as well as Claire does.

There was no way I was going to find a date in time and I wouldn't even have any friends to go with. It's obvious that Jim wants to go with Claire and vice versa, and I'm sure he'll gather the courage to ask her eventually. Toby will eventually find someone who'll say yes, I'm sure of it. So that leave's me alone. Again.

There's a good chance I might not go at all. Probably just stay home and read or maybe even hang out with Blinky or Argh. I'm not too worried about the stupid dance anyway. I mean, it's not like I want to go or anything...

"Hey, Anna." I turned my head to see my brother gesturing for me to follow. "Come on. We know where to find the next stone. Let's get going." I stood up to follow but I stopped and watched as Jim walked away to join the others. Should I really go with them? I'll probably just get in the way. I can't fight like the others, I'm useless. Just like the time with the monster made of mud and the other time with Gatto.

"Hurry up, or we'll leave without you!" Toby called out, snapping me out of my thoughts. Argh was stood behind Toby and he smiled. I smiled back before following them to the gyre station where Blinky and the others were waiting for us. I shivered at the thought of riding that thing again. I've never been a big fan of roller coasters or anything that moves fast.

The others began discussing the plan as they climbed onto the gyre.

I paused at the bottom of the steps and nervously crossed my arms. "A-Are we sure we have to take this thing again." I asked but my voice had been so quiet that no one heard me. Argh seemed to have noticed my hesitance though and he gave a reassuring nod my way. I took a deep breath before climbing up the steps. Claire was sat at the end next to Jim, Toby was sat on the other side of Jim, and Argh was sat on the other side of Toby. I decided to sit on the other end, next to Argh.

I tensed when Blinky started up the gyre and I closed my eyes when the thing took off down the tunnel. I pressed my body closer to the wall beside me which I quickly realized wasn't a wall but was Argh. He didn't seem to mind. When it finally came to a stop I quickly raced down the steps and promptly puked up my lunch. The others were a bit shaken but none of them threw up. I felt a bit embarrassed that the others had already gotten used to the new mode of transportation.

The others climbed off and Jim walked over. "You feeling alright Anna?" He asked in concern. I nodded my head, still feeling a bit nauseous. I was scared that if I were to open my mouth to speak I'd only puke again. We then made our way into the green forest. It might have been dark and creepy but I thought it was beautiful, and the fresh air was certainly helping my nausea.

The sound of leaves rustling caused both Argh and Blinky to stop. A bunch of green trolls with grass-like hair and spears came out of the nearby bushes. They were all chanting something then they pointed their spears at us. "Mmm! Humans! A taste not common." One of them said.

Toby stepped forward and the trolls gasped. "It is I, the Shower King!" Toby shouted but Blinky quickly whispered something then Toby corrected himself. "The Shattered King! Reincarnated as a human." Then he made ghost noises and I was nearly tempted to facepalm but I stopped myself.

"Gunmar kill you. You cannot be. Prove you are he. Show us great magics, god-king." Said one of the Quagawumps. "Hi-yi-yi yi-yi-yi-yi-yah!"

Toby then proceeded to do a classic magic trick, pretending to dismember his thumb then reattaching it. For a second there I thought we were goners, but then the Quagawumps picked up Toby and believed him to be their reincarnated king.

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