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One Week Later

"This will be your room," Jim said as he opened the door and gestured to the room. The room was small, looked like it used to be an office. It had a bed, a dresser, and a nice little lamp. It looked cozy enough. Not that I really care. As long as I have somewhere to sleep.

"Thank you," I said quietly as I entered the bedroom. My suitcase dragging behind me and my backpack weighing down on my shoulder. I had a couple boxes sitting out in the hallway

"I'm making dinner, is there anything in particular that you'd like?" Jim asked after helping me move my stuff into the room. I shook my head and he left me alone without another word.

I started unpacking my things. Then there was a knock on the front door. I paused my unpacking and left my room. I was curious as to who was at the door. Once I got to the bottom of the stairs I saw Jim letting a boy into the house. He was short and stout in stature and had braces.

The boy saw me and smiled. "You must be Annabelle. I'm Jim's best friend, Toby. Nice to finally meet you." He held his hand out. I glanced down at it then back up at him. He got the message and retracted his hand. "That's alright I don't really like handshakes either." He chuckled awkwardly.

I rolled my eyes before heading back up to my room. I then continued to unpack the last few boxes. My mother had happily given up all my items to the police. So, on the bright side, I didn't have to buy new stuff. Though I was surprised my mother hadn't thrown all my stuff in the fireplace.

The last box was mostly filled with my old sketchbooks and drawings, plus some anime posters my dad had gotten me when I was younger. Before he became a drunken jerk. I miss those days. The days when my dad was my dad and not some monster.

After moving my posters aside, I noticed something at the bottom of the box. It was a wooden picture frame. I picked it up and turned it over. The picture in the frame was of my family before everything fell apart. My dad and my mom standing behind the five-year-old version of me.

Life was good. But after my sixth birthday, everything fell apart. My dad started going to bars and getting drunk, my mother started showing her true colors, I lost so many friends that same year and I had no clue as to why my life was falling apart so fast.

Then they kicked me out at age fifteen. Maybe I can make a new life for myself here. With my new mother and brother. Though there's a good chance that my life will just remain the same. I'll be the same stupid little girl who let her guard down.

The same girl who let her heart get shattered.

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