Where We First met

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You and your family just moved to Japan from America where you grew up most of your life in, the reason you moved was because your mother wanted you and your four siblings to live in a better environment and not somewhere where there's not a lot of equality for many races. "Mom you know where my boxes at" you asked trying to get your mother's attention "MOM I NEED MY ELECTRONIC BOX" "UMM IT'S IN THE HOUSE ALREADY" it was hard being the middle child because you never got noticed by your parents but somehow to they always made time for you.

You sighed and turned to the house and got a good look at it and you actually was surprised about how it looked

You sighed and turned to the house and got a good look at it and you actually was surprised about how it looked

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If you don't like it imagination

You went inside seeing nothing but chaos going on "TRINITY WHERE MY POSTER AT" "I DON'T KNOW OWEN ASK MADISON" you went over to the kitchen seeing your father almost looking dead "hey dad you good" you asked getting onto the counter "I'm alive that's what I am what about you" "eh I'm good just keep gettin ignored, man it's rough being the middle child" you said wiping a fake tear off your cheek, your dad laughed and sipped his tea some more "I know how it feels I'm the middle child too" you and your father are very close with each other, you both did almost everything together even when you got older you knew you could count on him being there right beside you.

"Hey Y/n come on I'll can take you to your room alright" your dad said, you nodded and followed your father to the basement. You got down there seeing so much space and even another room "in that other room you have yo room and you got a bathroom down here too alright" your father said pointing out where everything is at "oh wow this is cool" "yeah, your mom wanted us to have our room down here but I know you like your privacy so I convinced her to give it to you" you walked over and gave him a hug "thanks dad I appreciate-it" you slowly turned your head seeing your little sister Trinity standing on the stairs "momma said to come eat" she said walking back up the stairs.

You both went back upstairs to go eat dinner which was Chick-fil-a. "Alright so Y/n, Owen, Trinity, and Treyvon y'all ready for Monday" your mom asked "What going to U.A" "yeah y'all's uniform come tomorrow" "who wants to wear a fuckin skirt all day" you scoffed "Y/n language". After you were finished and threw your trash away you went back downstairs.
You got in your room and plopped on the air mattress then went to text your best friend

Crackhead ⚠️

Aye peasant wyd:you

Brian: I told you to stop calling me that ugly

Yeah idc so I'm calling you peasant: you

Brian:bruh I'ma block you

Ok ok, BrIan wyd:you

Brian:Shiii nun hbu

Just got done eatin finna head in da shower I've been a plane for awhile: you

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