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I want to say that with your quirk you can make any kind of illusion not just people's fears

It's the middle of the night when suddenly you hear a loud boo you up and looked over at your balcony seeing a tall figure 'what the fuck' you clenched your fists and made black smoke appear, once the black smoke went outside and covered the figured you did a sneak attack. You pinned him to the ground trying to take off his mask but before you could fully get the mask off you felt a sharp pain "AHHH" you felt a lot of blood coming out and before you knew it you passed out.


"I think she's awake" you hear Trinity say, you frowned and slapped her "OW, girl what the hell was that for" she asked "get out my fuckin ro- wait where am I" you take a looked around seeing Recovery girl "how are you feeling miss L/n" she asked "I'm okay actually, just my leg is sore" Recovery girl along with your siblings walked out the room for a little and then you saw Denki with sunflowers "h-hey sunshine, um you okay" you nodded "come on in Pika" he smiled and sat next to you "don't ever scare me like that okay" you laughed and let Denki kiss you "sorry, I don't know who attacked me but when I find them I'm going to beat the shit out them" you said punching your hand in your palm, Denki laughed and hugged you "I love you".

|After leaving|

Denki didn't really want you moving a lot even though you weren't that hurt "Babe do you need anything. Water, food, medicine, um anything?" You sighed and shook your head "can you not treat me like a baby" you said "sorry just don't want you to get hurt" you smiled felt some fluid come out "Ahhh shit" you got up and went to the bathroom. You grabbed a pad and put it on after changing underwear, you flushed and washed your hands then walked out "you okay" you nodded and sat back down "my fucking period started".

Denki laughed and ran out his room, he then back wit your favorite snacks, heating pads and some painkillers "oh, thank you" you took one of the snacks and started eating "do you want any food, any size pads I need to get, anything I just don't want you to be mad at me" you laughed "why would I be mad at you" Denki looked down "don't wanna talk about it" you smiled and put your hand out "what I want is for you to sit with me, I wanna watch a movie" Denki smiled and got on the bed, then went to HBO Max "sooo what do you-" "Harry Potter, they have the whole collection" you both smiled and Denki turned the first movie on.

It was only an hour through the movie and you had already fell asleep, Denki took your snack and put the cover on you. He got up and stored all the candy and stuff in his mini fridge then walked out the room "yoo Denki wanna go hang out at the spot" "um no thanks gotta help Y/n" "boooo your boring" you smiled and actually fell asleep.

|Next Morning|

You were feeling better today so you went to school, when you got in class everyone were just talking while they wait for Aizawa to show up. You walked over to Mina who was on her phone and pinched her "ow, Y/n that hurt" you laughed and sat on her desk "so what ys doooin?" she sighed and looked at you "can't tell you it's secret" you groaned then felt hands wrap around your waist "it's top secret so she can't tell you love" you sighed and turned around facing Denki "hey dumb dumb what's up" he smiled and kisses you "how do you feel my red gusher" you pushed him off you and glared at him "..what you don't like the nickname" you sucked your teeth and sat at your seat "Sunshine don't be mad at me" Denki said walking to you, you ignored him and looked at your phone "damn you fucked up" Sero and Kirishima whispered in unison.

It was lunch and you were still pissed off at Denki for calling you that stupid nickname he gave you, you got some food and sat at the table and started ignoring Denki "look I'm sorry Sunshine please talk to me, I'll do anything just please don't give me the cold shoulder" you glanced over at him when you heard a sniffle "wait wait wait wait don't cry your gonna make me cry, we can cuddle later please don't cry" he lifted his head and laughed "Denki Kaminari, I swear we're gonna fight one day" he laughed and sat next to you then pecked your cheek "stop kissing me"

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