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"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU AND WHY AM I HERE" you yelled, you were in a dark room tied up. You couldn't hear anything so you had to hear what was going on mostly, you tried to move around but you couldn't "Look I don't know who the hell you are but LET ME FUCKING GO"you yelled. You hear a faint chuckle and then you hear foot steps "you're a loud one" a man said "thanks I get that a lot" the man kneeled down and uncuffed you

"Look your friends are coming for sure so hurry up" you looked up at him seeing his scars and staples in his face "what happened to you?" he sighed "to put it you simply, I over used my quirk to impress my father but that dickhead was focused on his youngest son and the names Dabi" he gave you your phone and walked out the room. You called Denki immediately to make sure he was okay "pick up please-" "HELLO Y/N, PLEASE TELL ME THAT'S YOU" you sighed in relief and smiled "it's me I promise, I'm about to share my location so you'll know where I am okay" "okay, when I see it I'm coming to get you" you smiled "thank you-someone's coming I'll call you back" you hung up and hid your phone when the door opened "oh wow you're awake!" a cheerful girl with blonde buns said walking in the room "you smell like sewer water" the girl scoffed and took out a pocket knife, you sighed and shook your head 'I'm such a blabbermouth' you thought to yourself, before she could make a strike, you kicked her hands making her lose her grip of the knife "I'm starting not to like you" you chuckled and closed your eyes making black smoke appear "wha-what are you doing?!" you smirked and made creepy shadow creatures come after her "HEY NOT THESE THINGS AGAIN" you laughed and somehow got out of the ropes you were tied to and made more shadow creatures consume the girl's energy to you could gain more. you looked around around the passed out girl for a key of some sort and luckily she had it. "This is getting too easy" you said, you unlocked the door and mad more illusions to gain more energy.

All of a sudden there was a loud bang, you followed where the sound came from and saw Denki and Bakugo fighting other villains "Denki find Y/n I got these fuckers" Denki nodded and went to find you but you were already in front of him "Y/N" Denki smiled and hugged you "I missed you so much" you smiled and kissed him "we should help out Bakugo love" he nodded but too late the illusions you made tired them out so they weren't too hard to fight "let's go I have things to do" Bakugo said.



Denki had snuck you in his room so no one would bother you. and made you lay down in bed and got you a water bottle "babe I can do things myself" you said "so, I just want to take care of you" you sighed and got up to hughed him from behind "Y/n what are you doing" Denki asked, you smiled and shook your head then started pecking his neck "that tickles" you smirked and turned him around "well hello sunshine" you smiled and kissed him.

Kissing that leaded to being on Denki's bed about to undress then you broke the kiss "what's wrong" he asked "nothing but, should we do this?" you asked "well Y/n love you did start this and everyone are downstairs doing their own thing so they won't even know we're here" you playfully rolled your eyes and kissed him again, he slowly took off you shirt and underwear too "fuck, that pretty face of yours is really turning me on" as he said that he started kissing all over your body till he got to your labia, he looked up at you slowly and smirked at you "stop looking at me like Denki" he smiled and ran his finger down to your clit then started moving his fingers in a circular motion slow at first then a bit faster, you let out a small moan making him smirk and go a bit faster then stopped. You looked up at him all confused, he looked up at you too then slid two of his fingers inside you then had them go in out of you at a faster pace than before "fuck"  you already felt like your climax was coming and you couldn't hold it in "heyy look at you, we haven't even gotten started yet love" you chuckled as you watched Denki lick his fingers then lowered himself back down. 

You at first thought he'd go easy on you but no you were totally wrong because when he got back down he started eating you out way too good, had you moaning so much you didn't even knew how loud you could get, he stopped after awhile and looked at you then took off his clothes but kept on his undershirt, he pulled you closer to him a kissed your cheek causing you to smile, he slowly went inside you having him let out a groan then thrusted slowly. Of course he wasn't about go so slow and he picked up a faster pace, the sound of your moans filled the room and Denki was loving it, he lifted both of your legs up on his shoulders so he could get a better look of you "please go faster" he was shocked you said that and did what you asked having you go ballistic, you felt another orgasm coming "cum for me beautiful" Denki whispered in your ear, you let yourself go having him look at you with a charming look "fuck finna make me go crazy for you Y/n, I love you so much" you smiled, he pulled out and looked at once more "on my stomach is fine, I'm tired" he smile and came on your stomach then got up to get a bath started for you, when he came back to you he wiped up your stomach then carried you to the bathroom and put you down in the tub "thank you" he smiled and nodded "I love you Y/n" Denki said kissing your forehead "I love you too Denki"

After both of you got cleaned up Denki and you watched movies and cuddled the rest of the night "yeah you might get kidnapped more often if we can have sex like this" you laughed and pinched him "owww, such a bully" "Am not" "yes you are and goodnight"  you sighed and clung onto him then slowly fell asleep 

"stupid" "Goodnight Sunshine"

Finally I update this book 😶 Denki need more love any whoo, I'm not dead I'm just making a better Bakugo book soooo lemme get going and finish the 5th chapter, love ya😪

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