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Being at home was nice I guess, I actually missed my room.

Hawks had brought my stuff over like two hours ago so until dad gets home, me and my friends were in the basement hanging out.

"You don't know how much I've missed you Y/n, don't ever do that again," Mina said, as she hugged me tightly.

"Yeah, you had us worried..especially Denki," Sero added, I then looked over in my dark room where Denki was.

He hasn't said a word to me, but I didn't say anything to him either.

After talking some more I decided to go see him, to make sure he's okay.

"Denki?" I called out, he was on the floor with his head down.

I turned on a light and closed the door then sat in front of him.

"Denki, come in look at me,"

I tried to grab his hand but as soon as I touched him I got shocked from his quirk.


Finally he picked his head up, his eyes were full of tears.

"I'm...so sorry Y/n, I'm a terrible boyfriend...not even once did I even try to go see you and I just started putting in an effort, it was wrong of-"

"It's okay, and..I had already heard how you felt when you talked to Bakugo,"

His eyes looked up at me before I hugged him, I was getting hit with his quirk again but it was okay.

"It did hurt to find out you didn't want to see me, but it's understandable Denki, I appreciate that you came to your senses though,"

He only returned the hug, and it fell quiet between us for a while.

Till I bonked him in the head.

"Stop shocking me, it's starting to hurt,"

He laughed a little and nodded then lets me go.

"I'm going to make it up to you, I promise,"

I smile and kissed his cheek "I'll be waiting then, I love you," I said, his eyes got wide as his smile grew bigger.

"I love you too Sunshine,"

We decided to stay in my room a little longer, we just talked to update each other on what's been going on.

This hoe Kyoka hit him? Now I wanna get back to school.

"Let's go, don't want the others to think we're up to something," I laughed as I stood up.

Denki followed me to the living area where our friends were, playing Uno.

"Kacchan, draw four anddddddd, Uno out," Izuku said as he placed his last card then did his victory dance.

"To hell with this shitty game," Bakugo mumbled as he picked up his four cards, then glares at Sero "hurry up tape arms,"

They continued ganging up on poor Bakugo, the man had like twenty cards, and when Mina had placed her last card out, he dropped his cards.

"REMATCH!" He shouts.

Everyone laughs at him but it quickly stopped when my mother called us upstairs.

When I got up there, I saw my father was looked a bit tired and upset.

"I'm glad to finally see your face N/n," he said before giving me a hug.

"I told him everything, just to get this over with,"

I nod but gave my dad the meanest glare ever, which he noticed in an instant, "what did I do?" He asked.

"Why didn't you tell us you killed some guy! And it's part of the reason why we moved here, his daughter is coming after me now, so what are you going to do?!"

He sighed and looked up at me "you're going to give all of the information you gathered to your principal and then do nothing, I don't want you risking your own life for some girl who's mad that her daddy's dead,"

I sigh and nod, but then Izuku tapped my shoulder.

"What was that thing she was trying to inject you with Y/n," he asked...now that was a good question.

"We have to ask Uraraka, she may know..but for now, let's whoop Bakugo's ass in Uno!"



After hours of playing games, you all were now finally finishing the Harry Potter movies, you couldn't lie and say you didn't miss being with your friends, but if you feel Kirishima's foot one more time..you were gonna crash out.

You had noticed that Denki was missing as well, so you got up to go find him, but he wasn't hard to find since he was in the bathroom.

"What's wrong?" You asked as you closed the door, he looks up and smiles "nothing at all, just wanted to be alone for a sec," you gave him a look and held up his face.

"Kam,you are such a bad liar, what's going on...you can talk to me you know," you said trying to cheer him up, he gave you a weak smile and looked away.

"Y/n...you don't ever think that what we did was wrong?"

Now what was he talking, to you everything was fine, so Denki bringing up some random question was weird.

"What..are you talking about?" You asked, he only sighed and took your hand then walked to your bed.

He sat you down then followed suit "that day, when we first kissed, when we both were in two different relationships,"

Your eyes slightly widened and looked away from him.

"We both know we were wrong, and then we turned around and blew up on them for doing the same thing, I may not be the brightest but I do know how to relate to someone's emotions,"

You still didn't say a word, you just listened to him speak and it seemed like he was having regret about how the two of you got together.

"I just...feel bad for her, even though she slappe me really-"

"What's your point Denki? Are you trying to say that she shouldn't be together or something? You wanna get back with Jirou? Because if that's it then go!"

Denki whipped his head around, full of confusion "huh? What are you talking about? Just because I said that us sharing that kiss was wrong Y/n?! So it was okay that we cheated on our past partners and when it was them, we had the audacity to get upset?!"

Again, you didn't say anything back and stayed silent, Denki on the other hand continued talking.

"And from what all I've been saying, your thoughts just straight to me wanting to go back to her?! Are you sick or something because I'm pretty sure I'm suppose to be the dumb one,"


"If you want us to break up then fine! I'm not going to pushed around anymore," he then grabbed his things.

"Denki wait that's not-"

"It seems like it Y/n, I just need to be left alone, bye,"

You then watched as he walked upstairs, and waited till you heard the front door close.

"Um..what just happened?" Mina asked, you wiped your eyes and shook your head "a lot,"

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