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I'm going to include some head cannons I have for him..and idc if this woman not his mama fr or not🙄 (picture)

After Denki left your house, he didn't want to go back to UA, so he went home, even though he knew the place is probably empty.

When he stepped inside the house, a big wave a wind flew past him.

"Seems like Nori's home," he mumbles as he closes the door then gets knocks down, he turned to see his older sister Reia, her blonde was extremely messy and had eye boogers, gross.

"Denki?! When did you get home? Wait...why are you home?" She asked, he gave her a slight mug and pushed her away.

"First, Reia why are just waking up? And I just got here...why are you chasing Minori?"

Reia sighs and shows hum her hair, seeing there was gum in her hair made him laugh, if felt like Karma was finally coming back to bring justice for him.

Now he followed his sister to find their younger sister Minori, who was clinging onto their mother, Raiya Kaminari.

"Hello to my only son, why haven't you called?" She asked while reaching out for him.

"I've been busy mom, you didn't tell me that being at UA for this long will make me feel like this," he said as he hugged her, she laughs and plays with his hair.

"Why do you think Reia didn't want to go?"

Denki sighs and just rests his head on his mother's lap, then she notices Reina's hair "Minori...you have ten seconds before you get that gum out of your sister's hair,"

In an instant, Minori got up "come on you cry baby, while the little mama's boy talks to mom," she groans as she and Reia walks away.

"Are you jealous that I was wanted?!" Denki shouts before laughing.

"Never! I'll never be jealous of someone who can multiply!" Minori shouts back.

"Ouchhhh, she got you there, but how's your girlfriend of yours...and when can I meet her?"

Denki's eyes went wide and nervously laughed as he turned around "well uh...about that, I think we're mad at each other,"

His mother frowns and glares at her son "what happened Denki,"

He told her the entire conversation you and him had, and how he felt about it, he explained to his mother that he never meant it to seem like he wanted to go back to Jirou, and that he just wanted to know if he wasn't the only one thinking what he was thinking.

"Out of all three of you, I fear you are the one to have girl troubles just like your father," his mom sighed then looks over at her own daughters, who were laughing.

"Geez bro, never expected that girls would act want to date you," Minori says as she sat on the couch, along with Reia.

"I thought I was the big brother, shouldn't you be playing with bratz dolls?"

Minori scoffed and pushed him "I never played with those, that was Reia..I was such a Barbie girl, and yea you are the big brother..but you act like the little brother,"

Denki only sighs and goes back to looking at his mom.

"What should I do? I don't want her mad at me, after just now getting to talk to her after like seven weeks,"

"Get a grip! I say that you go back to her house and tell her what you meant, I understand where's she's coming from but you need to tell her that it was a misunderstanding, and poor choice of words,"

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