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It's the middle of lunch when Denki came up to you and just stood there "can I help you?" You said all confused "I got sum to say" you slowly nodded "are you a McDonald's ice cream? Because your really hard to get" he said giving you a wink "I- what" you looked at him like he was a maniac "like my pick-up-line" "um no 5/10" you said getting up "woowww I worked really hard on that" that's a lie I found it from tiktok you rolled your eyes and walked away.

Denki followed you out to the hallway "Y/n wait" you turned around seeing Denki blushing with his head down "what is it tomato" he looked up at you real quick "hey stop that" he said "can you two love birds hurry up and say y'all like each other, it's too obvious" Mina and Sero said "SHUT UP" Denki said "yeah I don't like Denki's amaz- nevermind I'm walking away" you walked away real quick from Denki "Denki you have to tell her" Sero said "yeah I know but I'm just worried she might say no" Mina sighed and slapped him "OW WHAT WAS THAT FOR" Denki yelled "hush now that's in the past" "it still hurts" "anywhoo Y/n and you spend all the time together and even let's you see her change her clothes" Mean said "just her shirts" "still, I never even saw her in shorts showing her lucky" "mmhm sure I am, but I promise today I'll do it"

With you

You got back to your classroom and went to your seat, before you sat down you saw a little note on your chair

Dear Y/n, you might not know me but I know you, everytime I see you it makes my heart skip a beat. The day I saw you with the black dress you looked so sexy making me want to rip it off you, that smile you had when you won your volleyball game made me feel like with you by my side would solve my problems, Y/n I love you such I don't want to see you get hurt my love, your he only reason I'm still on this terrible world. Y/n you're so special that I'd kill anyone for you, or maybe even you love ;). Once it's time I'll confront you and tell you how I feel, but till then we can talk through letters. That sound nice ••.

-Secret Admirer

'What the fuck' you crushed the note and ran out the classroom to find Aizawa, once you found him he looked concerned "what's wrong Y/n" he asked "someone wrote me the weird letter and I just need you to read it" you said giving him the crushed up note, he read it and gave it back to you "they must go here if they see you all the time passing by, I don't think your in a safe situation right now so go home to your parents with a friend or two and stay there for a while, you can do classes virtually" you nodded and walked away.

You walked back to the classroom and saw Denki and Mina talking,you smiled as you blinked your tears away and walked towards them "Y/n, you okay" Mina asked "um no not really, uh hey Denki can you come with me" he nodded and followed you outside then told him what just happened. "Do can you take me home" you asked "yeah I can do that, only if you give me a hug" you sighed and gave him a tight hug "thanks" Denki smiled and took your hand "where you takin me" "we're getting ice cream now shush"

Time skip

Denki finally got you home and quickly went inside with you "Helloo, Mom dad.. anybody" nobody was home "uh can you stay for a while" you asked "yeah I guess I can cancel my plans...for the best girl ever" you rolled your eyes and walked downstairs "wanna play Minecraft" you asked "you play Minecraft TOO" you nodded "hell yeah let's play" you laughed and went into your room "wooah it's like you have the whole basement to yourself" Denki said walking in your room "I know right" you got two controllers and gave one to Denki, he sat down on the floor while you got on your bed "let's play alreadyyy" you whined "calm down it has to load" you sighed and got on the floor "hold my hand" you looked at Denki confused but held his hand

"Y/n ever since we met at that café all I ever thought about was you, your my best friend like you helped me get out a terrible relationship and we helped each other get over our past, you are so special to me and I hope I'm special to you, everytime I shower when I think about you I get shocked probably three times a night and when I saw you smiling at how I was messing up those spikes I just-" he looked down at the floor "I um FUCK I CAN'T SAY IT WHY CAN'T I" you laughed and got on top of him "Denki look at me" he did and wipe his tear off his face "start with I" he nodded "I" "Love" "You?...this reminds me of Toy tory 3" you laughed again "okay I'm trying to say is that I love you Y/n, I am in fucking love with you and I hope I don't get embarrassed saying this" you smiled and hugged him "I love you too Pika" he smiled and hugged you tighter "okay now I have to ask you something" you lifted up "will you go on a date with me so I can show you good boyfriend material" you shook your head no "wait why not" you smiled and put your hands on his face "because I just want you to ask me nothing else you don't need to prove anything to me, actually...Denki Kaminari will you be my boyfriend" he rolled his eyes and nodded "see it's not that har-MINECRAFT" you jumped up and started playing instantly "so your gonna forget about me huh Y/n" you sighed and connected him to the game "thanks".

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