The Game

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You were in class trying to get more sleep but Mina wasn't finna let you sleep at all "then she told me to tell Kendo that TetsuTetsu told Kirishima to tell Monoma to tell Shindo to tell" "Mina you've been going on and on about this, please shut the fuck up" you said "oh shit my bad then" she said "sorry just didn't get enough sleep last night, Denki's snores so loud" Mina laughed "what he does" Denki walked over to y'all real quick "I do not snore miss girl" he said "uh yes you do" he scoffed and sat in his seat as Mr Aizawa came in "go sit in your seats please"

"today we're doing a parenting challenges" everyone looked very interested "so your going to have a doll that has characteristics of a baby and will have some type of physical features of you and your partner" he took out some papers and handed them to you all "look at the paper so you'll know your partner" you took a look and you gotten "OOO I got Sero" Mina said "Yesss queen finna be the best baby daddy ever" you looked over at Kirishima who was jealous "yeah yeah y'all act like you got the best baby momma" you turned your head to Denki "and who would that might be" you asked "you slowpoke" you gave him the finger and turned around

☯︎After class☯︎

After Aizawa gave you and your other classmates the resources y'all needed you and Denki talking. "Alright we agree on shared custody" you nodded "..Y/n you've been quiet all day, you okay" Denki said looking concerned "I'm fine, uh I need to go talk to my sister" you said getting up. You walked out the classroom and texted one of your group chats

Daily crack heads 🌚

I'm freaking out rn: annoyed 😐

Big head 🙄: what's wrong

Humpty Dumpty 🙂: you alright

Bestie 🤭🤞🏽: you good lil sis

Salt💔: I honestly don't give any fucks

Bestie 🤭🤞🏽: girl we honestly don't give any fucks bout yo nasty ass attitude

Thank you Trey, anywhoo like I was sayin. Sooooooooooooooooooo I got a big ass crush on my best friend 🙂: annoyed

Big head 🙄: sooo Denki...

Yes dumb whore, be quiet or I'll expose all yo dirty ass Secrets ✨: annoyed

Humpty Dumpty 🙂: naw just tell now

No that's not the point of the conversation here Owen, what should I do: annoyed

Salt 💔: first you need to stop talking to us

Big head 🙄: second you need to tell him to feelings 💅🏽

Bestie 🤭🤞🏽: Trinity shut up, friend don't listen to this dumb ass girl. His name Denki, bet me and Owen finna talk to him

: annoyed 😐

Humpty Dumpty 🙂: you act like we finna kill him

I'm done...thanks for talking to me I guess:annoyed😐

Big head 🙄: she act like she hasn't kissed him two time already, and they got build a bears of each other..sound like couple goals

Stfu now: annoyed 😐


You sighed as you out your phone away, you started walking back to class but then you felt someone grab your arm. You almost kicked the life out of them but you noticed it was Denki "what the hell was that" he asked "I have been in battle many times, this wouldn't be the first for I the shadow Empress" you said "not you doin Chuniybo shit, anyways wanna get lunch together" you nodded "Alright cool, Denki Jr is ready" you gave him the '🤨' face when he said that "what did you just name our fuckin child" you asked "Denki Jr" you sighed and took his hand "let's go"

Shocked Love| Denki x Black ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now