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Most of this will be in 1st person...

Denki Pov

It's been two weeks now since Y/n has been asleep, everyone checks on her every day...well I don't anymore.

It's too hard to see her almost lifeless, but I make sure to write every day on how much I miss her, I just Sero take the letters to her every day.

I checked the time seeing it was twelve forty, I wasn't tired at all, so I went downstairs to get some food.

As soon as I opened my door, Kyoka was standing out here.

"Oh, you're up," she said, I gave her a slight this was awkward and now I had to piss.

"Yeah I there anything you need?" I asked.

"I just wanted to check on you, I don't need you being the reason we fail our final because you're all depressed about Y/n,"

I scoffed "what is your issue with her? She hasn't done anything wro-"

"So, her kissing you when we were together wasn't wrong?"

My eyes did she know?

How did you find out about that?" I asked.

"Denki be serious, I found out through her ex! At least she told him, but you never told me, and that hurts if I'm being honest,"

She started crying, already knowing how I am...

"That day I was going through things, and you didn't even care Kyoka...she was there for me, and we got caught in that moment, why do you even care right now we aren't together,"

She looked at me with some type of shock.

"You cheated on me Denki, when she came here our entire relationship was rui-"

"Woahhhhh there, you almost made me laugh, you sound crazy, Kyoka you cheated and used to beat me like a rag doll, you only cared for yourself our whole relationship, if you're thinking about when we first got together then you're living in the past,"

We continued going back and forth arguing with each other, which started to rile us up and get louder.

But when she had punched me, I stopped.

I almost did the same thing, but I was being held back.

"Denki chill hell out!" Bakugo said, and Mina was with him.

"What the hell is going on? Why are you over here?" Mina asked Kyoka.

"I...I needed answers! I needed to know why'd he would cheat on me with her!" Kyoka cried.

I slowly calmed down and yanked my arms away from Bakugo.

"It was a damn accident, Kyoka! They didn't even mean any harm to you so why the hell are you so mad?"

"Well didn't Denki dump Kyoka for Y/n?

We all turned to see Lucy walking to us.

"You just got here so don't worry about any of this, that's not even fully why," Mina said mugging Lucy.

"Just because I'm new doesn't I can't know what goes on, did you guys ever find who started those fires?"

See now this was getting weird because only the people who was there and Aizawa knows about this...

"How do you even know about that?" I asked.

"I have ways,"

Shocked Love| Denki x Black ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now