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1st person again...might just be my new style of writing right now...

It's been I guess a total of five weeks now that I've been in this damn hospital bed. Each day it's the same, my siblings and friends would come visit me, but Denki still hasn't come by, and Lucy has been coming by even more saying shit to me, my quirk hasn't popped up again though.

But tonight was strange, it was already quiet in here, but it was this uncomfortable silence now. Sometimes I'd hear footsteps and teachers talking but after a while it stopped completely. I tried to just relax and try to sleep, it almost worked but I heard the door creek open and now I was wide awake.

"I don't think this is a good idea..." I heard Uraraka, I knew she was a sneaky thing, but she actually seemed nervous.

"Will you shut up! Just be on the're lucky I brought you with me, I could've done this on my own and been out of this damn school," 

That's Lucy...of course, but what does she mean by that? 

I heard objects being moved around quickly and heard a semi quiet fizzing sound, so she's using her quirk.

"Lucy what are you planning to do to her?" Uraraka asked, "mind your business," Lucy scoffed.

Suddenly I felt a needle go inside me and I don't know what happened, but I immediately opened my eyes and jumped up, some Attack on Titan shit right there I tell you.

"The hell?! What are you doing you psycho?!" I shout at her, Lucy's face was stunned when looking at me, or she may have seen the fog of my quirk being released, sometimes I forget I can make people see their fears with illusions. Once the fog had surrounded her completely then I looked up at Uraraka.

"Y/n I pr-promise that I was forced on coming!" she said starting to cry "I already know, stop that crying shit and go back to the dorms and tell anyone about this, don't even say I woke up but get my phone, my purse you last saw me with, and anything unusual or even personal from Lucy's room it?"

She nodded then ran away. After she left, I stopped my quirk then picked up Lucy to pin her on the wall.

"What the fuck were you about to inject me with?! Why the hell would you knock me unconscious like that, and WHY the hell would you start those fires?!" I asked her.

She tried fighting back to get off the wall, but I was so mad my own body wouldn't let up.

"Do you want to see your fears again!?" I asked and she slowly shook her head "then say something before I will,"

She looked away for a second then laughed a little "Try all you want but you want get an answer from me," she said as she giggled a little.

That shit was corny as fuck, but I dropped her and started my quirk again while either kicking or punching her till I saw a little red.

By the time Uraraka came back with some of my things Lucy was out cold.

"I even brought some clothes for you," I smiled at Uraraka and thanked her before changing into the cropped shirt and shorts, I grabbed the hoodie as well then opened the window next to the bed.

Without a word I was gone.

I wasn't going home because I didn't want anyone to know what I'm doing right now, so I had to get away from the city for a while.

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