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Sorry for any spelling/grammar errors, this isn't proofread.

Lunchtime is usually your favorite tim of the day, having a break was nice but today you felt off. It wasn't really like feeling like you were in danger but it was something else.

What's the word....jealousy.

See there's a new girl in school in class 1-A, she's very laid back but for some obvious reason she draws attention to herself

See there's a new girl in school in class 1-A, she's very laid back but for some obvious reason she draws attention to herself

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Not mine y'all, found her on pintrest, the artist is right on the bottom and that's their ig.

When she came in the class she had said a few words, but she did mention her quirk lets her shoot out some type of energy out her hands but it can make her tired sometimes.

Now you didn't nothing against her, you thought she was really pretty and a cool person, but now your boyfriend and some of the other guys are a little obsessed.

Deep in thought you accidentally messed up your fork.

"Y/n! How the hell do you bend the entire metal fork!" You looked up at Bakugo and see what he was talking about.

"Shit, I don't know really, I was uh..thinking,"

"About Lucy?" He asked, you nodded feeling embarrassed "I'm surprised you're not over there on her hip, like a certain someone.

"You do know that your brothers attend this school? Are you dumber than dunce face?" He asked with a scowl on his face.

"Geez sorry I forgot, anyway I'm leaving now," he nodded and watched you leave the canteen.

You sigh as you walked down the halls alone, till you got in class seeing Mr Aizawa at his desk.

"Y/n? What're you doing back here so early," he asked looking up at you.

"Well when your boyfriend is now obsessed with a new student who's very good looking..what can you do," you sighed again as you put you head down on your desk.

Mr Aizawa shook his head, feeling bad for his students because he knew more if the boys were by her but he didn't want to get into that teenage drama, he's too grown and doesn't get paid for all of them.

Eventually everyone starts to come back to class, Mr Aizawa watched everyone's movements and was a bit shocked when Denki who's totally in love with you and would do anything would make sure you're okay didn't pay no mind to your head being down.

You noticed that too and couldn't help but to cry. Mr Aizawa gave you a look telling you if you needed to leave you can.

And that's what you did.

Denki still didn't pay any attention to you at all. While you were outside someone almost slipped on your feet.

"I'm so sorry!" You said quickly standing up, the boy lookd at you and nodded "it's fine, you're Y/n L/n right?" He asked, you nodded and looked at his features.

Shocked Love| Denki x Black ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now