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Today was the day you went back to school...sort of. You were going back to UA, but it was to mostly talk to Nezu about everything you've discovered about Lucy.

You were nervous, and it was obvious, but Denki was with you now, and he somehow made you feel a bit better.

"We're gonna be late Sunshine, everyone's waiting," he said, as he poked your cheek.

You groaned a little before sitting up and looking at him, he seemed to look different today...strange.

"Do I have to?" You asked, and he quickly nodded, "the sooner we go, the sooner we get this over with..plus I need your help on the study guide for our finals,"

You roll your eyes and hop out of bed and got ready, and that took a good thirty minuets, should've woken up earlier.

"Y/n! Let's go! We're going to be late!" You heard Mina shout, school didn't even start soon, why the rush?

When you were done, you met up with everyone who was already in the car, they passed you a breakfast sandwich then your father started driving.

The ride was pretty quiet, one part of you was relieved that it was since it was still morning, but the other part wondered what everyone was thinking about.

When getting to UA, it felt like the first day of school for you, as if you never been there before since it's been so long.

Walking through the halls and getting so many stares felt strange, and hearing whispering made you annoyed.

"Y/N!" You heard a certain horsed shaped head shout.

You smile and look up at Trinity and gave her a tight hug, but you didn't notice her crying till she pushed away.

She then punched you in the arm "don't ever do that again! You had us worried!" She said, wiping her tears, then looking at Bakugo.

"And you! Why didn't you tell me about this plan on finding her!? I'm her sister and your girlfriend for crying out loud!"

Now she was making a scene, and you didn't have time for it, so you walked ahead while she cussed Bakugo out.

While on the way to Nezu's office, you bumped into someone, and that someone was Lucy.

"Y/n! You're back, I'm so-"

"Cut the bull shit, that fake shit isn't going to work on me today, don't think I didn't hear anything you said to me while I was in that bed,"

You both shared a glare with each other, but before anything could escalate, Denki pulled you away.

"Even though you always look hot when arguing or fighting, now isn't the time," he said, and he was right, you were here to set things straight...Lucy will get hers, just watch.

Finally making it to Nezu's office, you slowly opened the door, seeing him at his desk with Aizawa and two other men.

"Oh! There she is, Y/n come on in now, and the others," Nezu said, while drinking some tea.

You and the others came inside, Iida, Tsu, and Momo were already there.

Aizawa had explained who these unknown men were, they were only here to tap into your memories to find out what happened between Lucy and you while you were sleeping, and the device they had was able to detect what you heard those nights.

Before they started, you gave Aizawa your hard drive and other evidence that Uraraka collected for you that was about Lucy.

"I did all I could, there's some articles about her father on that hard drive and that notebook is like her diary," you said before sitting down and getting hooked up.

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