Dramatic for what 🤨

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Time skip a month later

It's been a month since you came to U.A and you were getting close with Denki mostly, he would sometimes be flirty with you and you would flirty back.

You were talking with Mina and Momo while waiting for class to start "soo what's with you and Denki Y/n" Mina asked "we're just friends Mina you ask this all the time" you said "so Bakuhoe and Trinity said they're just friends now look at them, they're now dating" Mina said pointing over the Bakugo who was texting "she has a point there Y/n" Momo said "tch, besides Denki has a girlfriend already so even if I did like him which I Don't I couldn't have a chance with him" you sighed "plus she already got a boyfriend Mina" Momo added "Sooo it doesn't hurt to cheat once" "YES IT DOES" you and Momo yelled. Finally Mr Aizawa came in to start class "alright everyone get your hero costumes and meet in the gym so we can do partner training" he said walking back out he classroom.

Time skip at the gym

You came out finally after struggling on putting your costume on and all eyes were on you "damn he hella thick" someone whispered "OH MY GOSH Y/N YOUR COSTUME IS AMAZING" Mina yelled "It's not all that Mina"

"Why you lyin to yourself baby girl that costume is amazing do a 370 spin" you she said "what the hell is a 370 thought it was 360" you said "SHHH it's a 370 now babes" you playfully rolled your eyes and walked to everyone else "Alright these are ...

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"Why you lyin to yourself baby girl that costume is amazing do a 370 spin" you she said "what the hell is a 370 thought it was 360" you said "SHHH it's a 370 now babes" you playfully rolled your eyes and walked to everyone else "Alright these are the partners"

Sero v Iida

Mina v Tsu

Jirou v Uraraka

Bakugo v Kirishima

Midoriya v Tokoyami

Yaoyorozu v Todoroki

Hagakure v Shouji

Mineta v Ojiro

Satou v Aoyama

Kaminari v Y/n

"Spread out and class 2-B will be coming in shortly" Aizawa said going into his sleeping bag. "damn we not partners" Mina whined "That's alright Mina I'm upset I couldn't be with Dekuquan" you said patting Midoriya's shoulder "stop using my government name Y/n" he said awkwardly. You walked over to Denki who was talking to Kirishima "aye dum dum let's go" you said, he nodded and walked with you

"Soo pretty lady you gonna show me how your quirk works today" Denki asked finishing up stretching "maybe only if you can pin me down" he smirked and got into fighting position "3...2..1..GO" you jumped up getting some distance from Denki, he activated his quirked making Electricity come from his body "THAT'S ALL YOU GOT" you yelled "tch" he struck the electricity towards the rocks you were on causing you to jump up and went on a another rock, you threw your hand out makings black smoke appear "heh that'll get him for sure" you said kneeling down watching Denki freak out about big ass Spiders with darkness covering his whole body and fake blood coming from him, he started using his quirk too much making his go in his dumb mode

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