Break ups

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You got back home feeling all happy, it's been two weeks since you seen your mother and father because of a lot of test you've been doing so you couldn't really visit them. You unlocked the door and all you hear is Madison arguing with your mother as usual "Don't raise yo voice with me lil girl I ain't one of yo lil friends" your mother said, Madison sucked her teeth and walked away "Ooooo TREYVON GET YO DAUGHTER" you smiled at what was happening and hugged your mom from the back "hello mother" you said "helloo daughter of minez, how are you" she asked "tired, my best friend's girlfriend doesn't want me to be friends with him anymore" you whined "oh please that girl gon have to stop" you gave her a hug the went upstairs.

You went into Trinity's room seeing her all up in her phone "Trin Trin, you textin Bakugo" she nodded continuing smiling at her phone "aight whatever weirdo" you said "Don't be mad you ain't got a boyfriend like mines" you gave her the middle finger and walked away "OOOO MOMMMAA" you ran back in her room and hushed her up real quick "shut the fuck up before you make me not see the age nineteen" you said moving your hand away from her mouth "then get the fuck out" you huffed and walked out her room. You walked to your parents room seeing your father on his laptop "fatherrr" he looked up and smiled "hey Y/n what you up to" he asked "nothing much,oh did you find me a volleyball team" he nodded and showed you his computer, you walked over and saw it was U.A's volleyball team (let's imagine they got sum sports🙂) "why didn't you tell me we had a volleyball team dad!" you asked "you should've asked your teacher" you sighed and walked out his room. you went to Owen's room to see what he was doing and all he was doing was playing the game 'y'all nigga's borin' you thought to yourself. you went back downstairs finding your mom making dinner "Junior back up off me damn all up in my face" your mother said pushing Treyvon to the side "I just wanna see what your making for dinner ma dag" he said "oh yeah what is you makin" you asked walking up behind her "i'ma beat y'all fuckin asses if y'all keep akin me what i'm makin, you'll see when it's done" you both groaned "fix y'all's ugly faces" she said "soo you callin you and yo husband's face ugly because we look exactly like y'all niggers" you mom popped you in your mouth "watch yo mouth and no, Now get out my FACE" ya'll walked away quickly before your mother got ready to throw some hands "wanna play Mario kart" you nodded and turned on the netendo switch "i'ma win this so don't get and yo hissy fit Y/n" Treyvon said "I do get a hissy fit" he rolled his eyes and looked back on the screen "if you are Diamond Robbison's child then you get hissy fits" he said "DON'T USE MY GOVERNMENT NAME LIL BOY"


After dinner you all played some games like Uno,Connect Four, Twister, etc. "bruh you cheated" Madison said throwing her cards down "how did I cheat, you just don't know how to play" Owen said having a smug smirk on his face "welp that's the code for good night" you got up walked down to the basement, as you got comfotable in your bed you gotten a text from Denki

Pika Pika💛

Pika Pika💛: hey Y/n

Hey Denki wassup:annoyed😐

Pika Pika💛: soooooooooooo for some reason I want to do something crazy

and that issssssssssssss:annoyed😐

Pika Pika💛:idk actually but isn't your boyfriend coming to Japan

Yeah :annoyed😐

Pika Pika💛:I bet that'll be fun

no not really, he's been actin weird today bc usually he'll get mad at things i've done so yeah plus he was right about something:annoyed😐

Pika Pika💛: and that is

that long distance wouldn't work😬:annoyed😐

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