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Uraraka POV

Keeping quiet about Y/n was eating me alive right now, classes have been getting canceled more so teachers can figure out what's going on around here and trying to locate Y/n.

Lucy started acting weirder, it's like she's a whole new person.

While walking down the hall with Tsu I got a message...from Y/n?!

It's been like two weeks since she left.

Doesn't matter how you do it but get some of Lucy's DNA, hair, a fingerprint, or blood (that's more enjoyable), once you have it text me...

I can admit that Y/n is super smart, but I don't know what she's doing yet.

Is she using me as a form of blackmail?

I sigh and walk to a nearby window to look out of.

"Um...Ochaco? You, okay?" Tsu asked and I only nod.

I can't say what's going on, I just need to get done with everything.

After taking a breather, we continued to walk back to the dorms, if I was going to get some type of DNA from Lucy I needed to be prepared and know how she moves around.

So, if I see anything suspicious too, I'll take pictures to send to Y/n.

"Hey, I'll catch up with you in a second,"..I need the ummm bathroom!" I say then rush down the hallway.

Then I needed to wait till Tsu got far, and once she did, I went to Recovery Girl's office.

I needed to hurry because I wanted to watch the movie, we agreed on tonight, so I looked around quickly for a needle to draw blood.

I start to freak when I heard footsteps approaching so I used my quirk to float up.

Unfortunately, the person came in and it was Recovery girl. She was on her computer for a little which was a little aggravating because I need to leave!

But when she closed her eyes and turned her head, it gave me a chance to float out of the room, I hope no one saw me.

Eventually getting back to the dorms, I saw all my classmates lounging around in the common area.

"Finally, I thought something had happened to you Ochaco," Tsu said, I smiled at her and shook my head.

"No, I had to help um some teachers,"

I'm such a bad liar...

Once the movie started, I tried not to think about Lucy, and it worked for a while till I saw her get up from the couch.

"Where are you going?" Asked Hagakure, Lucy has turned to her and gave her a blank face.

"I'm tired so I'm heading to bed," she says before walking away. When no one was paying attention, I left too. I had my phone recording Lucy as she went to her dorm, I'm so glad Tsu gave me money for storage!

While using my quirk, I managed to get inside her room. Her room was really tidy but that wasn't a surprise. She was at her desk writing, I made sure to touch it when she looked away.

"I promise father, I will get revenge for your death...if I can't get to her then I'll get to that disgusting man who killed you and had her..but I just hate her so much," she says, continuing writing in the notebook.

After ten Minutes had passed, Lucy stopped writing then took out some clothes and blades, it wasn't her hero suit, so I made sure to touch those as well.

I needed to do this, and quickly. So, when she sat back down at her desk and put her head down, I took the chance. I lowered myself to get close to her, luckily, she had some air pods in..I wish I had that type of money so I could have noise cancelling like her.

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