New girl

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You and your siblings were all packed and ready to but your mom wanted to do goodbyes "Do we really gotta do this bruh" Trinity asked "I guess" your mom ran down the stairs real quick dragging your father her behind her "WAIT WAIT WAIT"your mother yelled out "ma the door ain't even open yet chill" "SH or she gon beat the shit out of you Owen" Treyvon said slapping Owen on the back of his head "alright group hug" "ew no thank you" you said back if up "Y/N GET OVER HERE" you dragged your feet and went into the hug "Be on y'all's best behavior,stay out of trouble, and-" "No boys, Trinity and Y/n" your dad said getting some coffee "yeah yeah whatever"

Time skip

You and Trinity were in the hallways seeing what class y'all in "I'm in class 2B" Trinity said "Damn I'm in class 2A" Trinity and you looked bummed out y'all didn't have the same class got y'all would get over it "well I need to find a new person to get in trouble with" you said waving off Trinity, she waved back and started finding her classroom.

You were so lost trying to find your class, you had suddenly felt someone's hand on your shoulder making you flinch "heyyy there I'm no bit- Y/n" "Oh wassup Denki how you been" you said calming your nerves "I'm good, but what's a cutie like you wondering in the halls" Denki asked "I'm tryna find class 2A can you help" "HEYYY your in my class, just follow me Alright" you nodded and followed Denki. You both got to your class with all eyes staring at you "woah her boobs are hot" a boy with purple balls on his head said "MINETA YOU PERV" said a girl with pink skin and horns on her head

"The seat in front of me is free so you can sit there" Denki said "thanks Denki" you said sitting down "hey I'm Mina Ashido it's nice to meet you and how you know Denki also I love your hair" "oh well it's nice to meet you I'm Y/n L/n and I met him at a café I went to yesterday" you said "and may I say you is a baddie for making your uniform skirt into shorts okay" "yes I know thank you, um Mina question..are you black" you asked "dag girl you found out out my secret real quick but yeah I am and I'm proud" she said LOOKING proud. You and Mina talked till a man who looked like he never been to sleep walked in "hello class" "hello Mr Aizawa" the whole class class "today we have a new student uh would you like to come up and tell us about yourself" you nodded and walked to his desk "uh my name is Y/n  my quirk is Illusion I can make my enemy see things that will trip their mind or their deepest fears uh I play volleyball uhh and y'all can ask me any questions" you said; you felt real uncomfortable "do you got a boyfriend" a boy with red hair asked "nigg- um I mean I guess,next" "can I get yo number baby girl" "I- Denki don't do that ever again but sure"

Time skip to lunch

Mina had invited you to sit with her and her friends for lunch and that's what you did, you sat down next to her and was about to eat till you felt a pair of eyes staring at you "umm can I help you Jirou" she rolled her eyes and went back to her food "act like y'all never seen a black chick before" you said to yourself "Hey Y/n" you looked up seeing Denki all happy "Hey pikachu" you went back to enjoying your food till again you felt someone staring at you,you lift your head up seeing Jirou glaring at you once again "bruh what you want I'm tryna eat" you said getting annoyed "girl I'm not even lookin at yo ugly ass mind yo business" Jirou responded "hey hey hey let's not fight here okay" Denki tried to make sure the peace was still there "Denki let's have a little chat okay" Jirou said,they both got up and left the canteen "Aye extra it's your first day and you've already made drama" Bakugo said "tch man that girl will be alright"

After school

You were in your room studying and was having a vibe when you had gotten a knock on the door "Come in" you turned your head seeing Denki walk in "why hello there Y/n how was your first day here at U.A" Denki asked "eh it was cool, what are you doing" you noticed Denki was fiddling with your volleyball "it looks so cool, hey could you teach me how to play" "sure why not put on some work out clothes and meet me outside" he gave you a small hug and left your room.

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