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Nadia dragged him to sit at a table at the very back corner, far enough from prying eyes but not too hidden that their waiter can't find them.

Karma was forced to sit beside Nadia again and the girl had wrapped herself around his arm, her C cup chest pressing against him.

"Soooo~ Karma-chan! What would you like to eat?" She propped up the menu and shove it to Karma's face.

The red head gritted his teeth in annoyance. The more he tried to pry his arm away the tighter Nadia's hold on him got.

As his revenge, he was going to make Nadia's pockets hurt. Afterall, she did say it was her treat. "The steak" he pointed at the beef steak that, more specifically the cost. 30,000 yen(Author: 275 united states dollars)

"Wonderful! I'll get the same set" Nadia calls for a waiter. "Look at us, we're bonding already" she squeezed Karma's arm. "I'm sure we'll get along just fine" she smiled widely. Karma felt his arm start to hurt, her nails were digging to his skin. "Right" was all he said as he tried(and failed again) to pry his arm off.

"What kind of music do you like Karma-chan?" Nadia went on.

"Rock" Karma continues his futile attempts of removing his (aching) arm from Nadia's person.

"Oh, me too!" That was an obvious lie. Nadia was disgusted that her fiancé had such terrible taste in music, but she had to play along and kept up her  appearance.

"Karma-chan, I'm the top of my classes back in America, I'm actually the student council president there"

"So what?"

Nadia's smile faltered. Why the hell wasn't he impressed?!

"I'm a natural born genius, like you are! Your father says you use to take kick boxing lessons. I'm a black belt in martial arts!"

"And?" Karma couldn't feel his arm anymore.

"I am just saying, Karma-chan. That we are perfect for each other" she cupped his cheek. "Don't you agree Karma-chan? We both have the looks, we both have the brains, we both have the strength, we're perfectly compatible!"

"You don't even know me Nadia. You're basing this off of the things my father told you, and the things you learned from my outside appearances" Karma tried to be as gentle as he could, he didn't want to cause drama in a public place. "I can get to know you if you give me the chance!" Nadia shook him.

"Why don't you like me Karma-chan?"

"I don't even know you!"

"Then get to know me!" Nadia's voice was growing louder that they were starting to attract attention.

"Listen-" Karma tried but was cut off by Nadia's loud voice. "You're being hypocritical you know?! You're pushing me away without even getting to know me first! I'm trying to be nice and make this work and yet you're acting like a brat! You should be grateful that I agreed to this arrangement otherwise YOU'D BE PENNILESS!"

The other customers and staff were whispering now, some had taken out their phones and were recording the drama unfold. There were others who were glaring at the red head because Nadia looked ready to burst into tears, and some looked concerned.

Karma was turning red from the embarrassment. He wanted the floor to open up and swallow him whole. The whispering and the accusing eyes made him feel vulnerable and ashame.  He has never before felt this level of discomfort, he just wanted to go home.

But home doesn't feel like home anymore.

"your acting skills need work"

A cold voice said. Nadia was suddenly pulled to her feet and pushed to the floor. Gasps were heard from the bystanders.

Gakushū took Karma's hand and pulled him up, wrapping an arm around him and rubbing Karma's arm soothingly. Gakushū glared at the whispering crowd.

Karma then felt the strong bloodlust coming from Gakushū. A shadow had covered the strawberry blonde's eyes. "Who the hell are you?!" Nadia cried in anger.

"I should be asking you that. Who the hell are you and what the fuck do you think you're doing rubbing filthy yourself with Karma?" Gakushū said in a low, dangerous voice. Before Nadia could respond, Gakushū had dragged Karma outside with him.

Nadia had bursted into fake tears, some staff had come to calm her down. Inside though, Nadia was seething with rage and felt utterly humiliated.

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