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Day 19

"Sakakibara-kun! Can you help me fix the tent?"

"Seo! Little help here"

"Koyama and Araki could you guys-"

The big five(minus Asano so really they were the big four) were helping prepare for the end of the school yesr festival. There would be games, booths, and other schools were welcomed to visit them. Kunogigaoka would be open to everyone for the festival.

"Where has Asano-kun gone to? He has the list for the budget of our class" Seo grunted as he held the ladder steady, his schoolmate was hanging up colorful banners and fairy lights.

"Where do you think?" Koyama sighed. "To Akabane again"

"He acts so much like a love sick puppy, always trailing after Alabane as if he is his bone" Araki stated.

"What do you think Ren?" Seo looked at the brunette who was helping set up a fortune teller booth. "I think Asano-kun is free to do what makes him happy, as long as he doesn't result in others getting hurt" was his simple reply.

"Whatever" Seo said while helping his schoolmate down.

Nadia was listening to them and cannot help but roll her eyes. "Wow, I sure wish everyone lived happy careless lives where they can do what makes them happy" she muttered irritably. Ren however heard her and scowled. "Sure wish everyone had that sort of freedom"

"If you have something to say then speak up!" He crossed his arms.

"You and your buddy just don't get it" Nadia scoffed.

"Ren, don't be so mean to her!" Araki scolded. "You're right, forgive my rudeness Ken-san" the girl could tell the brunette wasn't sorry at all.

"You-" Nadia was cut off when her phone notified her a message from her father.

Daddy: Darling! Papa has brought you a new pair of ballet shoes

Me: I don't even do ballet

Dad: I know but I thought you'd like them

Ren blinked at the genuine smile that suddenly displayed on Nadia's face, before it disappeared and was replaced by a miserable look. He knew it was bad manners, but he was so curious so he snuck behind her and peaked over her shoulder.

Mom: How many times have I told you that before you post a picture you must have a good background and ligjting? Can't you do ANYTHING right Nadia?

Mom: And by the way. Send me an image of you and your fiancé together, so I atleast know you've accomplished even just a small bit

Ren backed up a bit when suddenly Nadia squealed excitedly. She spun around and said very loudly "Has anyone seen my boyfriend?! Tall, handsome, red hair?"

"Um, I saw him with that blonde girl Nakamura and that small white haired boy with the bandana" a short girl answered.

Nadia glared at her. "Do you have any idea how very little that narrows it down?"

The girl squeaked. "Sorry, um-"

"Stop wasting Nadia-chan's time" a boy scolded. He smiled at Nadia. "He's at the warehouse behind the school, it's where we keep most of our supplies for school events"

"Thank you so much" Nadia tucked a hair behind her ear. "I'll be quick, I promise" she turned around, only for her face to plant into a woman's nice pair of breasts.

Nadia jumped back red faced. She tried to maintain her composure. "Wh-who on-" she glared at the woman, her glare hardening when she realised the lady looked similar to someone she hated.

"Sorry honey" the woman chuckled twirling a hair between her fingers. "Didn't see ya"

"W-watch where you're going!" Nadia yelled walking pass the woman.

Nanami raised a brown at her. "Rude" she muttered before walking towards Ren.

(Author: IWMYM has come a long way huh? Wow we're almost a 100k views. Thanks guys so much, I love you all. Really you don't know it but you all make me so happy with every vote and comment)

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