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Gakuho looked at the rundown looking bar in disgust. He was in the bad area of town, and double checked the address his friend sent him to make sure he was in the right place. Sure enough he was.

Gakuho entered the bar, throwing the place a disgusted looking. Overweight middle aged men are hunched up in corners downing their liquor as if it today was their last day, a man with a dirty beard was cleaning a cup with a dirty rug making it dirtier.

"Hey" The man called him over. "Is this yours?" He jabbed a thumb at the woman on her--Gakuho counted the bottles--fifth bottle. "Yes" Gakuho smiled. He sat down beside Natsuki, placing a cloth on the stool first before sitting down, he didn't want his expensive pants to be ruined.

"Suki-chan" he called the drunk woman.

"Gakuho-kun" Natsuki giggled. "You~" she slurred. "You actually came"

Gakuho took note of her disheveled appearance. He rubbed her back, when she slammed down her bottle, and called "another here!" For the bar tender.

"What would Karma think of you if he sees you like this?" Gakuho said gently. Natsuki looked at him with fiery eyes. "Why would he care?! My son hates me and he wouldn't even look me in the eyes, nor hold a conversation with me with!" The woman buried her face in her hands.

"O-our last conversation feels like ages ago. We made fun of Kagami!" She moaned.

Gakuho ordered for whiskey and a shot glass. He studied the woman he's known since he was thirteen. Despite nearing forty, she looked youthful and never lost her good looks. Natsuki was always beautiful, it wasn't something she needed to try hard for.

Suki was always strong willed, her fiery temper, wit, and beauty made her a subject of desire when they were young. Gakuho loved to tease her for her tomboy personality and short temper. "Screw you Kagami" Natsuki moaned, face pressed against the counter.

Gakuho reached his hand and rested it on her dark brown locks. "What did you see in Kagami?" He whispered.

She must have over heard, because the woman turned her head and faces him, still resting on the counter.

The Akabane seemed to be thinking it over, frowning as she delved in her mind to find an answer.

"It was College. I was this, stressed, haggard, lost little girl in campus" she chuckled. "And he was my knight in shining armor"

Gakuho rested his head against the counter, eyes tracing every details on Natsuki's lovely face. "I see"

"Kagami hammered me down" she giggled drunkenly. "He tamed my wildfire"

"He burned you out is more likely" Gakuho muttered.

"Over the years, I guess he got a little arrogant? He had--has, the world in his hands. I loved him and supported his every decision. To the point where I let him controll me" she closed her eyes. "Ending with me neglecting Karma"

Natsuki took Gakuho's shot glass and drank it's contents.

"You're a real piece of shit Gakuho" she leant into his shoulder. "Hm, tell me something I don't know already" Gakuho scoffed at the woman.

"I mean, what you did at graduation-"

"You beat me up for it. With a fucking pitchfork Natsuki"

"You said I looked fat in my toga, grabbed me, and then kissed me!" Natsuki weakly punched is chest, as he picked the woman up from her stool and rested her in his lap. "You asshole! That was my first fucking kiss and you stole it" She sobbed. "I was about to kiss back.... but noooo you pulled away, and looked guilty, you jerk" she cried.

"Then. You disappear from my life. I knew you were in the same college I was in. But I didn't see or hear from you! Later on I found out you married Masami. You never even gave her so much as a second glance so how The hell did you two happen?!" The woman kept hitting his chest.

"Keep talking" he whispered as she weakly hit his chest. "I hate how you liked me but never made a move about it"

"Go on" he encouraged.

"I hate how you were too much of a coward to have asked me out" Natsuki stopped hitting him. "I hate how I found out that kiss was a dare, and I became confused whether you genuinely had feelings for me or not. Gakuho you bastard"

Gakuho checked the woman once she stilled. She had fallen asleep.

Gakuho placed an arm under her slender legs, and his other arm on her back and picked her up bridal style. He paid the bartender for their drinks and carried her to his car.

"Worth the trouble worth the trouble worth the trouble" he repeated, looking down at the woman in his arms he sighed. "You're worth the trouble Suki"


Gakushū played with Karma's red hair. The boy was resting his head on Gakushū's lap. Itona was staring down at them. "I'll tell Karma at the festival" he promised.

Itona didn't believe him, but he nodded. "It's better he hears it from you than someone else"

(Author: Twenty years later, when I have a kid, I'm gonna name them Karma)

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