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"Karma-chan, how can you stand all that grease?!"

"Karma-chan you're sipping too loudly it gives me a headache!"

"Karma-chan sit properly, Don't slouch!"

"Karma-chan, can I comb your hair? It looks like a bird's nest"

Karma ignored his fiancé nagging him and proceed to further annoy her by sipping his juice loudly, stuffing his face with burgers, and slapping her hand away when she tries to come in contact with his head.

"Can you let your lower lip meet your upper lip and shut up?" Karma snapped.

"I'm sorry but I'm just trying to help you" Nadia pouted. "I don't want you to be embarrassed with the way you're acting, honestly hadn't your parents ever taught you table manners?"

"No" Karma deadpanned, taking out his phone and scrolling through his contacts

Nadia peeked over his shoulder and made a face when she recognized names and the pictures on the contact list.

"Karma-chan, I don't think you should..." Nadia begins. "Spend anymore time with those wayward friends of yours anymore, I think the reason you're like this is because they influence you badly with their rude manners and lack of etiquette knowledge" when Karma looked at her, she continued bravely, and smiled more. "You should spent more time with me instead, I'll find you better friends!"


Karma slammed his hand on the table, attracting the few attention of the students there, and stood up abruptly the chair made a loud screech sound. He glared down at Nadia who remained unfazed by his anger, or looked to be. He could tell by her shaking eyes she was nervous.

"Nadia" he began with a deep voice that sent chills down the students' spines. "If you saw me today, like this, for the very first time...what would your opinion of me be?"

"W-what?" Nadia stuttered.

"If this was your first time meeting me, what would you think?" The red haired boy repeated slowly.

Nadia gazed into Karma's brilliant yellow orbs, her midnight blue eyes shining.

"I would think...that you're the handsomest boy I've ever met" she said, blushing slightly. "Your hair is as red as rose, and your eyes remind me of the setting sun. A-and looking at you right now as you look down on me, my heart thunders in my chest and I want to reach out to you and" blushing even more she whispered "Kiss you"

Karma appeared unimpressed, simply snorting at her confession. "Alright, what about me as in who I am as a person? What you just described is my outside appearance Nadia. What do you think about who I really am?"

"You have a fiery personality! And mischievous, and...umm.." Nadia racked her head to give him the answers he wanted. "Quite the catch, really" she nervously laughed.

"See? Nadia you don't know anything about who I am as a person. You only see me for my looks, not my personality" Karma said seriously. Nadia's eyes widened. "N-no! No, no I know you! I've studied you! I read your files! I know everything about you"

The students around them began whispering to one another, never had they seen Nadia like this before. "Poor Nadia-chan" one whispered.

"That brute is making her cry!"

"How dare he treat her like this"

The red head ignored the angry cries and regarded Nadia cooly "What's my favorite color?"


"It's purple. What's my favorite sports team? Favorite movie director?" The boy fired question after question and with each wrong answer Nadia turned redder with humiliation.

Karma started to walk away from her. Nadia grabbed the sleeve of his jacket and pulled really hard that there was the sound of ripping.

Gasps were heard when they saw the ripped fabric Nadia was clutching.

Nadia tossed it aside and hugged Karma's arm. She felt the boy stiffened and inwardly smirked. The attention that was put on them, Nadia's tight grip and crying face, and the angry, judging eyes of their peers.

If Karma were to do something rash, the students would be onto him like lions for hurting her.

"You're so horrible Karma-chan!" She sobbed. "W-why won't you love me Karma-chan? I'm sorry if I did something wrong!" She cried harder, feeling the harsh glares of the students around them, she almost laughed but masked her laughter with hiccups.

At this point, Karma had had enough.

"Will you shut the fuck up and leave me alone?! I HATE YOU!" Karma glared hatefully at the girl and pushed her away.

"YOU'RE DESPERATE AND TWO FACED! you're mean to my friends, you PRANCE AROUND KUNOGIGAOKA LIKE YOU OWN THE PLACE!" Oh boy that felt good, it felt good to just let everything out. "And, you're judgmental! And I hate hearing your damn voice!" Karma was heaving, his eyes angry and hateful but there was also what seemed to be relief and a new found calmness.

Without another word, Karma walked out of there without a backward glance.

Then there was the sound of laughter. When Nadia and the other students turned, they saw Asano Gakuho laughing.

"About time he released all of that pent up anger" he chuckled with a smirk.

Nadia was seething.

(Author: That felt good 😈)

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