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Nanami grabbed Nadia's leg and pulled her down from the stage. The girl growled at her. "What the hell is wrong with you?" She demanded and attempted to get back up.

Nanami grabbed Nadia by the hair and began dragging her towards the direction of the E-class building, while Nadia screamed in pain. "MY HAIR! YOU'LL PULL IT FROM MY SCALP!" she screamed. "LET ME GO! AHHHHH!"

The E-class students, and Mira simply watched as the Asano woman dragged the screaming girl by her hair.

Once infront of the building, Nanami tossed the girl infront of her. Nadia fell on her back, tears of pain in her eyes. "You crazy bitch!" she sobbed. "You're crying from that? How weak are you?" Nanami placed a hand on her hip.

"What the hell are you trying to accomplish here?!" Nanami yelled. Nadia cried as she touched her head, she flinched when she felt something wet. When she looked at her hand, there was blood. Nanami had pulled her hair so hard she draw blood. This made her whimper.

"You are the most narcissistic, spoiled, selfish, CRUEL, GIGANTIC SACK OF GARBAGE that I have ever seen! What the hell Nadia?! What are you trying to accomplish?" Nanami was barely holding herself back from hitting the girl. She doesn't even understand why she hasn't beaten the crap out of her yet!

"I--I love him!" Nadia cried, forcing herself to get up from the floor. "I love Karma, I told you he was the first person to treat me differently! I can't let him g-"

"Bullshit" Nanami walked up to her. "You don't really love him, you love the idea of loving someone. You only see Karma for what your mind wants to see!" Nanami growled. "You don't want him, you want someone like him and unfortunately, Karma is the only one around here so you're taking what you can get"

"That's not true!" Nadia yelled enraged.

"Yes it is! You barely even know Karma! Scratch that, YOU DON'T KNOW HIM at all! Those files you read?! They were given by his father right?! That man barely even knows his own son so how can you trust what was written there?!"

"I'm not listening! I'm not listening!" Nadia covered her ears. "Karma is mine! He will be mine! He was given to me!"

"For fuck's sake Nadia get it to your thick skull! He. Doesn't. Want. You!" Nanami really, so badly wanted to punch her face.

"It's your brother's fault!" Nadia spat. "It's all his fault! That, disgusting, stupid, lying, FAG-" Nadia couldn't finish her sentence. She felt something hard collide against her jaw, and felt her body literally fly into the air and landed near the edge of the stairs of the mountain

Nanami had finally lost her patience, and punched her.

Nadia coughed blood, and pressed a hand against her now broken jaw. Tears were now rolling from her cheeks, making Nanami feel almost guilty. Almost.

"W-w-why did you do that?!" Nadia yelled, now sobbing uncontrollably.

Nanami just couldn't believe what she was seeing. This has got to be the most pathetic creature she's ever seen. She felt her face contort in disgust. "You needed the wake up call" she coldly said.

Itona, who had been watching, hidden behind a tree, clicked his tongue. He approached the woman, who by now resembled a demon. "Looking at her now" he gently said. "This is enough to convince me she needs help" Itona looked at the still furious woman. "What will you do?"

"She needs to get away from her mother. According to Mira's reports, that woman is draining and abusive to Nadia" Nanami sighed.

"Oh okay, well-"

"BUT for now" Nanami cracked her fingers. "For now I will have to give her a few more slaps of reality to pull her out of her delusion" Nanami smiled sweetly at Itona.

"Um, what?"

Nanami approached the still crying girl, raised her hand, and


"That was for being a HOMOPHOBIC BITCH!"


"That's for calling my brother a faggot! Even though the boy you're obsessed with is very CLEARLY BISEXUAL!"



Itona winced and took several steps back as she watched the beautiful woman repeatedly slap Nadia. Women can be very scary



"AND THIS IS FOR GOOD MEASURE!" Nanami began pulling Nadia's hair again, and pinching Nadia's cheeks, her long nails cutting the girl's once smooth creamy skin.

"We heard yelling! What is Nanami-sama doi-" Mira halted when she saw her mistress. "O-oh my"

"Do you think this is too far?" Nagisa asked.

"I'm almost sorry for Nadia" Rio had taken out her phone and began recording the scene. "But she deserves every slap and pinch, so" the blonde girl shrugged, but winced when she heard another loud slap.

"Remind me to take note to never to get on her bad side" Isogai shuddered.

"Hey!" Ren waved his hand at them as he climbed up the mountain. He stopped in his tracks and blinked at the scene.

Just in time too, because Karma had left the forest and ran pass them all, running down the mountain.

"What's going on? Why did Karma look like shit?" He pointed at the boy running away from them.

"And why is Nanami-nee slapping Nadia?" He pointed at the woman hitting the sobbing girl.

"And why is Nadia getting hit by Nanami-nee?" He then pointed at the sobbing girl. "What did I miss?"

(Author: Nanami beating up Nadia DID NOT in anyway make me happy at all, NO NO sirs writing that did not at all make me very very very very pleased with myself..........😗🎶.....😏)

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