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Day 4

"So have you made progress with Akabane?" Ren asked, pulling his attention away from his notebook. "No...I don't think-- maybe?" Gakushū shut his book irritably. "He took me to this place up the mountain, and he was comfortably enough to sleep on my shoulder before moving to my lap"

"Well, what have you gathered about him so far?" The two friends gathered their books. "No good blackmail material yet, I don't think he trusts me enough to tell me about E-class, and he's still wary of me" looking at Ren who had an amused expression, the strawberry blonde went on.

"I even used my usual tactic, it never failed me before!"

"You played 20 questions?"

"Yes! And would you like to know what he asked me? What's my favorite color, what's my favorite flower, girls would jump right into asking me if I liked them! I'd lie and say yes, we'd make out and I'd leave them afterwards"

The brunette and the blonde were walking down the hallway, passing other students, ignoring the giggles of girls, and admiration from their other peers.

"You didn't seriously think this is gonna be easy right?" Ren laughed. "Oh by the way. I forgot to tell what will happen if you fail to make him yours by the end of the month"

Gakushū stopped dead in his tracks. "What?"

When Ren told him, he paled so much he almost resembled a ghost.

The brunette left him there, whistling a happy tune as he walked to their next class.

He's given Gakushū more motivation to accomplish his dare. "By the end of this, they'll both be thanking me" and maybe Gakuho as well? Afterall, this entire thing was his idea.

After school, Gakushū went up the mountain again to E-class's building.

He arrived at the top just in time as the E-class students were leaving. He hid behind a tree and scanned the crowd for red hair. The last student to come out was a short girly-looking boy with light blue hair and blue eyes. He recognised him instantly as Shiota Nagisa, Karma's best friend.

"Oi, short stack" he called, walking up to the shorter boy. "A-Asano-kun?" The boy blinked at him. "What are you doing here?"

"Where's Karma?" He demanded.


"Spit it out!"

Nagisa jumped and took a step back. "He went home early! I think. He skipped our last subject and-"

"Why would you let him skip?" Asano muttered. Now he'll have to go on a goose chase trying to find the red haired delinquent. "I wonder how that slacker even passes all his exams" he muttered more to himself.

"Well I'll be going now Asano-kun" Nagisa tried to walk pass him but the strawberry blonde's hand latched on his wrist. "Did he tell you where he went?"

"He texted me that he's craving for strawberry milk, that's all"

Asano let go of Nagisa and turned around. "Thanks" he said, walking down the mountain again.

Nagisa stood there in shock. "Did Asano Gakushū just said thank you to me?!" Feeling a little dizzy, the bluenette muttered "Next thing I know pigs will be flying"

Meanwhile, Karma was leaning against the railing of the bridge, sipping his strawberry milk from the cartoon box. His phone buzzed in his pocket. Thinking it was his parents he chose to ignore it.

But then it rang a certain ringtone and he knew instantly who was calling.

Pulling out his phone, the name "ASSano Gakushoez" read on the screen.

"Where are you right now?" The annoyed and panting voice of the strawberry blonde who's been bugging him a lot these days was heard from the other line.

"Probably in your thoughts" he smoothly replied.

"Are you going somewhere?"

"Yea, your heart" he heard the strawberry blonde choke on something, he bit the inside of his cheek to refrain from laughing. "Just stay put where you are now and wait for me there"

The call ended, and Karma stared at his phone in bemusement. "How will that square even find me?" But, considering the blonde's talent with computers and technology, the idea of him tracking down his phone to locate him wasn't a far fetch idea.

Then his phone vibrated again.

Looking at the screen of his phone, he switched off his phone before shoving it in the pocket.

Mom: Come home. You're father wants a word with you
4:10 pm

I Will Make You Mine( Karushuu Completed)Where stories live. Discover now