Chapter 1 - Right or wrong? Meeting with the Akatsuki!

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Your Pov. Time: 6:05 P.M.
I walked into my house and decided to lay on the couch for a while, it was a tiring day... After all, I gotta do my business and be careful with the assassination attempts. I can't let them know that I'm immortal.

"I should probably plan on "traveling" sometime soon" Talking to myself was something I did every day. I was lonely, everyone I've met was trying to use me, kill me, or just too scared of me.

Where are my parents? You may ask, they were killed on a business trip when I was about 10, plus, they weren't the "best" parents I could ask for.

My childhood was not something someone imagined for a billion-trillionaire's kid. My parents or I should say, my family, in this case, was all a bit sadistic in one way or another (Including me). They never care, love, or even think about me. I never existed to them, well only in front of other people I did. I was never allowed to go outside and play with the others, and I didn't have any siblings, at least, that's how it turned out... And to the others, I'm scarier than everything they've ever seen in the world. But that was 10 years ago, anyways-

But before I could go on with my self-interview, it was cut short when a sudden voice came up, "Miss (Y/n)? Do you need anything?" I then noticed myself in front of the kitchen door instead of in front of my room. "Erm, yes ... I would like to get some snacks before dinner," I thought of something fast, I don't wanna just walk to the kitchen's door for nothing.

I then decided, "I'm going for a walk, perhaps prepare my snacks before I come back,"

"Yes, Miss (Y/n)!" I walked out of my back door into my backyard, then walked around my training grounds. Why training grounds? Well, I gotta prepare for anything that might happen, anime/game or not.

After a few minutes of training, I decided to take a walk to the deeper parts of the forest. The whole forest was mine anyway, about after a 5-minute walk from the training grounds, I heard some noise, human noise. I took out my pocket knife and carefully approached where the noise was coming from. A kunai came at me, and I dodged it, of course. 'Is that... a kunai?! Who the hell uses-' Something inside my brain just snapped.

I looked towards the way the kunai came from. And guess what did I see? I saw a group of people that have a black long coat with red clouds on it! One of them was yelling and screaming at a masked boy/man among them. 'No doubt, they are the Akatsuki' I sighed, and walked over to them, they looked alert. 'I wonder-' I looked at myself and saw the pocket knife in my hand, that must be it, I put it away in my pocket.

I proceeded to scan through the group, two, in particular, caught my eyes. Rin and Yahiko, in ghost form. (I don't know, is that it? Or there's more? If you know please tell me) well, I kinda expected that, but where's Shisui?

Both ghosts were looking at me, and I was looking at them. "C-can she sees us?" Yahiko asked Rin, sometimes good hearing is a bad thing too, "I- No, that's not likely. .. She might be just looking at someone else". They looked around but there's no one in particular around them. Finally, ending their confusion, I stared straight at them, giving them a soft smile before mouthing a "Hello" at them.

They were jumped and surprised at the same time. "She can see us!" This time it was Rin that spoke. 'I was expecting Shisui somewhere near to... But I guess not...' You then look away, looking at the others, scanning through them.

Everyone in Akatuski seems to be here... But then I caught on to someone I didn't quite expect... 'Orochimaru? Then this must be before the "fight" they had'. My tongue clicked in annoyance as I glare at him. "You know this bi-" Before Hiden could finish, I use my telekinesis to shut his mouth up. They don't understand what happened, but Orochimaru understands what he was saying anyway, "No, I never met her in my life,".

I can see the puzzlement in their face, but after a few moments of puzzlement, they turned to look at me fully. "Who are you?" Pain asked, "Right, " I said as I sat down on the dirt-grass floor "My name is (Y/n) (L/n), and I'm the owner of this land, you... kinda came out of nowhere... I almost thought you guys were an enemy-"

My explanation was cut short by Itachi "You don't know us?" I shook my head 'Damm, they were right when they said the Akatsuki was cautious.'

"But how did you know we're not your enemy? We just threw a kunai at you," I expected this from Itachi, he was a smart one. 'They sure have a lot of questions!' I thought to myself "I don't know... but now that you mentioned it, are you?" I was almost certain they would say no, and I was right!

"Lady (L/n)?"

"(Y/n) would be just fine."

"Ok, La- (Y/n), do you know where we are?"

I stand up, "It's better if we were to explain at my house, it's about a 10 min walk from here," I offered as I patted the dirt off of me, I was expecting a decline of some sort, hack even a fight from them! But no, this time they just came with me, willingly.

Once I arrive at the house, I look around cautiously as I said, "Stay here, something is off..."

"How do we know you're not trying to get us captured?"

"God Dammit! Fine! You can come with me all you want! Just don't trigger anything, nor touch anything. It might kill you," The masked boy which I believe is Tobi almost screaming when I said 'it might kill you.' Luckily Deidara made it just in time to cover his mouth.

'Thank god' I think to myself. I walked in, it was all dark 'this is not right, I asked for snacks before I left, they shouldn't be turning the lights off now. Plus, it took longer than I expected when I was talking to the Akatuski. So by normal, the dinner should be almost ready or already done.' Then I heard a gunshot.

"What was that?" Judging by the voice it should be Deidara that asked. "That was a gunshot, one shot from them and you're as good as dead" I heard a few soft gaps after I explained. "Now for real, stay here." This time, they finally understand. But just before I could make a move...

More gunshots were fired, I was caught off guard, I proceeded to rush towards the second floor, which is where all the gunshots came from. I grabbed my pistol that was on my waist, run in, and distracted them by throwing whatever was in my pocket, then I shot 3 people while they were distracted, despite who they are.

'Headshot' I thought to myself as I ran across the room, dodging 3 shots that were shot at me, but when I was going in for the last person, someone wearing a black coat killed them before me.

I dashed back, taking a defensive stance 10-15 steps away from them. Light peeked through the second-floor window, revealing his face...

Anddddd... Done! There goes my first chapter! It took forever to finish! I've changed it 1,000 times. I hope you like it! Please tell me how to make my story better!

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