Chapter 20 - Trust..? Training with Konan!

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Author's Pov. Time: 5:15 AM
Konan held the door open for you and followed you after you walked out, "You know Sis-Nan, you're gentle and kind, I wonder why you're around all those chaos boys for?" You asked, trying to small chat with her.

There was sadness in her eyes, accompanied by a soft yet sad smile, you could see it. The question must have reminded her of her past and why the Akatsuki was created. "You know what, let's drop this subject. I don't like seeing you sad," You calmly said, surprise replacing sadness in her amber eyes. But she's heard from Pain, you are smart, and sometimes... That smartness is used in places where you least expect it.

She smiled, it was a relieving one, it was like she gave up fighting something. "You know what, what do you plan on teaching me today?" You asked, and at this point, you felt her get lighten up, either by that decision of hers or your change of subject.

"Well, this might be slightly difficult for you, but I want you to try forming paper weapons by infusing your Chakra with them!" She said, cheering up slightly. You remembered being able to weaponize paper was Konan's specialty. You paused slightly, "Are you sure you're ok with teaching me this?" 

It never came to your mind, but everyone you trained with has taught you at least one of their specialty. Was... That normal? No, it wasn't, it shouldn't! If a person's specialty is taken away, they are not "them" anymore, and they won't be of use to- whoever they're working for! Has that not come across their mind? No, they're smart, it had to come across at least once!

"Yeah, I would teach you anything I could, I trust you," Konan's voice ringed in your ears, "Why would you ask that?" Her kind voice echoed in your ears repeatedly, you hadn't realized they have trusted you so much, "Why..? Why would you trust me so much? For all you know I could betray you in a second!"

A small smile came across her face, she has been smiling so often right now that you couldn't even believe it, "You placed your trust in us. The least I could do is to place my trust in you," While that thought slowly sink in, you realized many things. But before anything could continue, the 2 of you arrived at the training ground.

You offered to get paper from the storage room, although you were not sure if there were any. You found some card papers in there, wonder who had placed them there. You brought the paper back to Konan, and so you begin training. 

Short-Time Skip...

You got the hang of infusing Chakra with paper very quickly, and soon were practicing turning them into weapons. There was no surprise on Konan's face when you succeed so quickly, just like Pain... You know they held high expectations for you, you respect and thank them for that.

"Let's take a break," Konan offered after an hour of training. You've now can turn any kind of paper into weapons, currently combatting Konan while she's using her own. You nodded, accepting her offer, and you walked over to the bench on the side while Konan sat beside you. 

You were very bored, so you took one of the pieces of paper, changed the color, and folded it into a (f/o)(favorite/origami). You were pretty happy with the result, you held the (f/o) on one hand while you tapped Konan's shoulder with the other one. "Sis-Nan, here this is for you," you said, handing the origami to her.

She stared at the origami for a good while before saying, "Thank you, I'll keep this with me," You had a smile on your face, maybe it was because she's also a girl, so the 2 of you get along better. "I'll take that as a compliment," You chuckled.

Konan slightly blushed at the sight and sound of your chuckle, could I be falling for her? No, I have to stay loyal! But... Her smile... "Are you ok Nan?" You asked, her trail of thought was broken by you. "I'm guessing Nan is my new nickname?" She asked, a look of dote was over her smile and eyes.

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