Chapter 10 - Getting intense! After game! Justus?!

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Author's Pov. Time: 10:25 A.M.
"That's because..." You tilted your head and said, "I personally don't like the word 'Kami' or 'God' or you can just say I don't believe it, so I don't like using it." You turn your head to look at Kakuzu fully and continue, "On the other hand, Laven is there, 'alive' and well."

Kahuku nodded in understanding, and the game continued. It went on for about half an hour or so, (11:00 AM) until it was your turn again. "Tachi? Dare or dare?" You weren't really giving him much of a choice.

"Dare?" He answered, "I want you to teach me any jutsu of your liking!" You said excitedly, that you wanted to learn jutsu(s) so long ago! But no one could teach you, now you have a free coach right here and now! Why not let them do the honor?


"Of course not! We're going to the training grounds!" You said as you took the lead, you led them through your back garden. And led them a bit further, after a 5 min walk you arrived at the training grounds.

You can hear 'wow!', 'what is this?!', and 'can we- never-mind'. "You guys can train in here in your free time too! As long as you don't blow up the place or somethin' like that."

"I suppose we're training here then?" Itachi asked, you turned around (back is facing Itachi) "Yep! And everyone could train here if they want to too!" You said happily.

You turn back to look at Itachi, only to stare into his bright red eyes with such mesmerizing pattern. 'So beau- wait! Red?!' You didn't have enough time to react. Before you knew it, you were in a genjutsu with Itachi again. 'Why did I say again? Donno, don't care.'

"We'll be training in here, so we wouldn't break as many things as you planned."




Itachi walked closer to you. And you on the other hand were lost in your thoughts, thinking about how the genjutsu Itachi just cast on you might help with future combats.

Itachi waved his hand in front of you repeatedly, but you didn't notice. You were busy lost in your thoughts. "(Y/n)!" You didn't react act, "(Y/n)!!" Still didn't react, "(Y/n)! Wake up!" No reaction. 





You guys fell into a quite uncomfortable silence, at least to Itachi that is. It quiet stayed for a while, after 10 minutes you finally decided to snap back from your thoughts.

"S-sorry Tachi... You can't really pull me back once I'm in my thought... I get lost in there easily..." That was the first thing you said while scratching the back of your head, giving Itachi an apologetic look.

"I could tell, you spaced out for 10 minutes with me repeatedly calling you in the first 5."

Now you are just more embarrassed, "A-anyways! Let's get started! Since I wasted so much time already!" The last part of the sentence was for yourself, tho Itachi heard it clearly.

Since you have "no" knowledge about chakra (Did I type it right?), you started all from the beginning.

Actually, learning, understanding, and using chakra wasn't as hard as you thought. You had it all under control in around 15 minutes, Itachi being surprised was an understatement. He couldn't believe how fast you've learned from 0% to 100,000,000%.

Itachi wanted to test how much chakra and how good you could be at chakra control without any help from your "teacher"...

Turns out, you are full of surprises. First, he wanted to know how much chakra you have. So he taught you the shadow clone justu. It was one of the easiest ways to test out. (At least that's what I think...)

So, you did what you were told. You started from making 10 shadow clones to 100 to 1,000 to 10,000 to 100,000 and it just went on and on. You even tried out the multi-shadow clones just for fun.

But that only made it worse, it ⁵(or ^5 if you like it this way) the number of clones you created... And at the end, Itachi just gave up, and said, "You're the most powerful powerhouse of powerhouse I've ever seen..."

Next, is chakra control. Theoretically, the more chakra you have, the harder it is to control. But to you, it was just like breathing, you did the tree walking (hands-free) and water walk in one go.

Itachi just gave up on how many more surprises you could bring to him. Now that you guys were finished with learning chakra, it's time to learn real justu. Itachi took a while to think, then decided to teach you...

The first justu he decided to teach you was the fireball jutsu?! (Is it called the fireball justu? Or not? Please tell me if I typed it wrong...)?! 'What in the world...' You thought to yourself.

Skipped the teaching, all you need to know is you made a much bigger fireball than Itachi's on the first try, so he had no choice but to teach you some genjutsu, how to use a kunai and shurikens (Huge and small version).

Author's Pov. Time: 4:30 P.M.
You did all the tricks in one try. So Itachi decided to teach you another jutsu, it was the Hidden Mist Jutsu! You didn't expect that, but you hid your surprise. Now if you meet Zabuza, you'll know his jutsu too and very well.

"You have the best potential I've ever seen," Itachi said, you blushed softly and said, "Thanks, I guess I'm just a fast learner?"

"You are! Definitely!" Itachi half-yelled. You gave him a smile, "You know Tachi, I'm really fond of you, but sometimes I feel like there's too much pain in your eyes..." He looked at you in surprise and you've read him like an open book.

"We'll talk about this and that sooner or later, now can we just go back? I feel it's been quite a long time," You asked, giving him one final, soft smile. He looked at you and nodded, he could feel himself slowly fall for you, moving away from... her... But he snapped out and undid the genjutsu. 

You woke up, you were placed on a bench in the training room. You sit up and looked around, you saw Itachi on the bench beside you. "You're finally awake (Y/n)-chan!" Someone whispered beside you, and you jumped, "Tobes?! Wa- Why- Wher-" Your head was processing a lot of info at once.

But in the middle of your sentence, Tobi covered your mouth, "Shh! Tobi can't speak for a week remember?" Then it suddenly all made sense because Tobi can't show off his skills here with everyone. He can't train, and since Deidara dared him to not speak for a week, he can't speak. But he's talking to you right now, so he doesn't want Deidara to know that he talked.

You then nodded your head, telling him you understand what was going on. Then he uncovered your mouth, you moved closer to him, and Itachi saw. A rush of uncertain jealousy washed over him, that was when he really noticed his feelings for you.

Just before you were about to continue talking with Tobi, Itachi walked over and said, "What's going on here?" And that was the end of it, everyone turned their head to you, Itachi, and Tobi. You sware you saw something going off between the two.

To Be Continued...

A/n: Itachi character development! Let's go! And thank you for reading this chapter! If you have any ideas or suggestions, please message me! If your idea fits, is cool, or it could make the story better, then maybe your idea would be in the story too! It might take a while for the next chapter to update.

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