Chapter 24 - A Thank You, Party!

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Author's Pov. Time: 3:55 P.M.
"And, welcome back!" Your clone concluded, poofing away. You can see a sense of surprise in them as you gave them a full-hearted smile. They all blushed as you received your clone's memory, causing the blushes to be unnoticed.

You filled the switch for the LED lights, it wasn't looking the best as the sun is still out, but in great coincidence, the clouds covered the sun as you wished, giving the world a darker color, and made all the decoration worth it. "Surprise!" Your soft yet warm voice echoed in their ears. "Tobi loves surprises!" Tobi yelled childishly, "Thank you (Y/n)-Chan!"

You smiled at him, "Thank you, for your time with me, I haven't yet figured out how to send you home, but I thought I'd thank you," And at the end of the announcement, you gave them a bow, before you could get to 90° Pain and Konan quickly rushed forward, stopping you.

"We should be the ones thanking you! Not the other way round!" Konan half-yelled, pulling you back up. Pain continued for her as she pulled you up, "You showed us hospitality when you didn't need to, kept us in even after knowing we were criminals, even before all 'you were also dangerous' bit. You teach us about the future, you gave us a place to live, food to eat, clothes to wear, and kept us alive all this time. So, in reality, the thank you should be us, saying it to you. Not the opposite. Thank you, (Y/n), truly."

Your eyes brighten and softened at the sight of them, "Well, let's party now? Shall we?" They nodded, you led them to the food as you teach them how to use the BBQ stand while you also told them about the "play" area (I.E. where all the origami paper, clay, and carving/wood is at). They were hyped, to say the least. You made it to B3 before the clone there also poofed away.

You portal-ed them (still in their cages), and the fireworks to the training ground before setting them with another 2 more clones to make sure nothing goes wrong. You 'Time Teleported' back to B3 before coming back up to the Akatsuki. You looked at Zetsu, who planted half his body inside the garden, chuckling. "Zetsu, the garden is for those," You said, pointing at the bags of seeds on the wall.

Then you saw Zetsu going into the ground before popping back up beside you, "(Y/n)! You should have told us sooner." You tried to stop yourself from smiling, but your lips couldn't help but twitch upwards, "Sorry," You suddenly remembered you forgot the beers, so you rushed back inside and brought out a whole mini-fridge of drinks.

"Guys, here are the drinks!" You called out as you placed it near the BBQ stand, "Don't get tipsy too soon, I still have more to show you!" You reminded. Hidan made a run for the mini-fridge first, to get beers. You grabbed out a bottle of (f/d) (Favorite/drink) yourself and opened it.

While everyone was getting their drink, it sunk into Deidara, "Wait! There's more?! Hm?" It seems that the idea of more was not getting to them until now. Kisame and Itachi's heads snapped to you so fast you thought they might break. You nodded, "Of course, who do you think I am?"

You noticed Tobi and Konan were sitting together, making origami. Suppose the whole helping you make origami got him to like it too. Your eyes sightly widened at the sight of Konan making one of the paper cranes fly. You walked towards the 2, "Nan, you can make them fly?"

She nodded, "After injecting my chakra into it, I can make any paper do and turn to anything I want, watch." She alludes, turning her head to the crane, the color changed, and there seems to be something written there. She sent the crane higher, and then it exploded. You snapped your head to her, "Can I do that?"

She chuckled, "Of course, with the Dance of the Shikigami, you can also do that, you have to..." She explained the concept to you as you nodded in quick understanding. She sent another crane up, demonstrating it while she explain further.

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