Chapter 5 - Shopping time! Ice cream or felony? Who's Miku?

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Your Pov. Time: 9:25 A.M.
It was about 9:25 A.M. when I finished teaching them about all now-time knowledge, I have to say, they've done a great job learning. It turned out that at some point during the teaching time, all the Akatsuki members woke up one by one. But every time someone wakes up, they always do one thing after breakfast, watch me teach. After they finished breakfast, they always come and watch me and teach the others.

They were all sitting next to me when I finished teaching, some missed some small parts, and others missed a lot. But I'm not planning to teach them again, I've got many things to do today and a very tight schedule. Since I finished teaching early, I'm going to go out and buy them all a phone.

I stood up and walked towards the door, "Where are you going (Y/n)-Chan?!" Toby asked in a yelling manner. "To either get ice cream or commit a felony," I smirked, "I'll decide in the car!" This is the best decision I've ever made! I can't wait to see their faces!

"Then we'll go with you," Itachi said standing up, and the others followed with a serious look. "Wait-! Wait!" I hurriedly shouted, this wasn't meant to get serious! "I'm just kidding! I'm going to buy you guys a phone!"

Itachi looked at me, trying to find any signs of lying in my eyes, but all he saw in my eyes was slight fright. He sighed, "I think she's telling the truth," Thank you Tachi! You saved my life! I thought before I quickly said, "Then I'll be going, I'll buy you guys some proper clothes too," I stopped to think about something before beginning, "Tachi?" "Hm?" He hummed from the couch.

"If the doorbell ever rings, I want you to answer, the others... You know what... scrap that, forget about it..!" He looked at you with confusion, "Miku!" I yelled, earning a few more questioning looks from the Akatsuki.

"..." There was only silence in the air as I frowned awkwardly, the Akatsuki looked at me with the same weird, questioning, look.

"Miku!!" I yelled again, hoping she would come out.


"Come on out!" This was getting weirder by the second, please come out already Miku!


"Come on!" 


"Damn her!" I yelled inside my house, now fully earning a questioning look from everybody, I looked at them with the 'be patient' look before snapping my finger. As soon as I did, a girl that looked about 15, has black and white long hair, wearing something similar to a black dress, with a white cloak with black on the top showed up.

Picture of Miku

(I promise she will only show up a few times, gotta take care of something, and I'm turning lazy

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(I promise she will only show up a few times, gotta take care of something, and I'm turning lazy... Sorry! I'll explain who she is at the end of the chapter.) The appearance of Miku surprised everyone, no one sensed her presence before this, but the appearance of Miku also reminded them of something, they didn't seem to sense my presence too.

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