Chapter 11 - Going back to work! Someone in charge!

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Author's Pov. Time: 4:45 P.M.
And that was it, everyone now turned their attention to you, Itachi, and Tobi. You sware something was going on with the two of them. You had a soft frown on your face. But you then sighed in defeat and waved at them, Pain was the first to walk up to you. "How was your training?" Konan asked, "She could be more of a prodigy than everyone, in this room," Itachi answered for you, in a very calm matter.

"Really?! I knew you had it in you hn!" Deidara yelled. You smiled at him politely and then asked, "What time is it?"

"4:50 PM," Pain answered. "Thanks," You replied, not looking at the Pain, "Anyone wants dinner? At least I do! I just remembered I haven't eaten lunch too!" You began.

"I'm also hungry,"
"Fine by me,"

You nodded and being to walk back to your house while chatting with the Akatuski. You walked back, ate your dinner, said goodnight, then you decide to go to bed.

Few Days Later (The first day of going to work after meeting the Akatuski)

Author's Pov. Time: 5:00 A.M.
Your (f/s) (favorite song) being to play as you sit upon your bed. It's been a week and a half since the Akatuski came here. By now they know "all" about modern time stuff, but you never let them out tho. For a few specific reasons.

But today! You're going back to work! You have to have someone in charge when you're gone. You have a few people in mind, all you need to do is to tell them.

You walked down the stairs to see Itachi making breakfast. "Morning Tachi!" You said, "You woke up earlier than usual, why's that?" Itachi asked. "Oh! I have to go to work today, and since I'm going to be gone the whole day, I want you and Pain-sama to be in charge of looking over everyone! You can ask sis-Nan for help if you need any!" You said, giving Itachi a bright smile.

"Sis-Nan?" Itachi asked, "Mhm~! It's Konan! I thought it'd be a good name for her!" As you finished your sentence, Pain walked in. "Good morning Pain-sama!" You said to him while giving a nod to Yahiko.

Author's Pov. Time: 6:30 A.M. Time skip!
You're now on your way to go to your company. Your company on the white/bright side is the world's greatest company. You guys sell everything, phones, toys, food, etc. But on the black/dark/unseen side, your company is the world's scariest and strongest mafia company.

After your little self into your company, you sighed. Hoping that by now Itachi has finished explaining the situation to the other members of the Akatuski.

Change of place (Where Itachi and the others are at)
Itachi has just finished explaining why (Y/n) is gone, with the help of Pain of course. Itachi was surprised yet again, that Pain would even give two shits about explaining to the others. The roles have been said and done, Konan is going to keep in charge of anyone that cruse. Itachi, being the teacher and chief for everyone when (Y/n) is not here. Pain, keep everyone in control (if they ever went out of control), and just "protect" everyone (more like the house).

Author's Pov. Time: 7:00 A.M. Time skip! And back to you!
You have just finished parking your car, and you're now walking into the elevator. You went to your office and just started working. Spacing off sometimes thinking of the Akatuski members, although you enjoyed the company they gave you, you need to get them back to "their timeline".

Just as you were spacing out, a loud knocking is made outside your office door. "Come in," You said, "Miss (Y/n), your next meeting is starting in 5 mins" You then waved your hands dismissively, sending the person away.

You got yourself ready and walked out your office door, you now in the meeting room. Meeting with and for your workers, you were scolding them for how bad of a job they've done. And in the middle of it, a call came in. It was yours, you looked at your phone, it was Itachi. You answered it, hearing fighting here and there.

"Hello, this is (Y/n) speaking." You said, keeping your voice as calm as possible. "This is Itachi, and things are kinda getting out of hand here..." He said.

"Is it them (Akatuski) again?"


"Put your phone on speaker, and DO NOT let them answer or even speak in the middle of what I'm about to do." You said in a warning manner, Itachi did as you told. You put the phone on the table to your side and started scolding your workers again, but this time in a more violent matter.

On the other side of the call, everyone quieted down, some even slightly shivered. They understand that this serves as a warning sign, if they do this again, she's not afraid to kick their asses. Pain just slightly looked at the people that were fighting, and there goes strike two. Two nightmares having the same people warnings at the same time, that is not fun I can tell you.

Back to you, you have finished scolding them, and you're on your way back to your office. You're now ready to scold the Akatuski. You walked into your office, with the call still in place, and before you could start, the ones who were fighting were already apologizing to you. You sighed, "Don't apologize to me, apologize to the ones who you brought trouble for,"

Author's Pov. Time: 7:30 P.M.
Your day went peacefully after the 'incident' that took place this morning. You then turned your head to look at the clock, 7:30 P.M... it's about time you get off, you have been working a little too overtime. You walked to the elevator, now driving your way back to your house.

After your half-hour drive, you're now back at your house. You walked into the house and said, "I'm back!~ Tachi! How did your day go~ Do you have the energy to train me today!!"

"Ah, (Y/n), my day went better after the incident, and I do have the energy to train you today," Itachi said, smiling at you, you blushed, you weren't lying when you said Itachi was your favorite (I would like to believe that everyone at least had a little crush on Itachi... Right?). You proceeded to walk to the training ground, to your surprise, Pain, Konan, and Kisame were already there, training for themselves.

Again like before, you were in the same old genjutsu again. "Today, I'll be teaching you the body flicker jutsu(Did I spell right? Or is it body flicking?)... At the very least..." He said and you chuckled, you've been training with Itachi since that day. And every time, you can always get the justu in control in 5 to 15 minutes. So he'll always end up teaching you more.

Author's Pov. Time: 9:30 P.M.
Today you learned the body flicker jutsu, and "supposedly" all he can teach you. "This is all I can teach you," Itachi said, "I'll let Sasori take over teaching you tomorrow." You softly frowned, but after a few minutes, smiled.

Itachi then lets you out of the genjutsu. You and Itachi walked back accompanied by the others that were also training. You walked into your house and looked around, you saw Sasori sitting on the couch. So you jumped over to him and said, "Sori! Tachi said you'll be taking over my training starting tomorrow!" Sasori looked at Itachi, he just gave him a shrug with a "blank" face(?). You know just his usual face, the calm one.

Sasori then looked at me, and said, "Can you still train?" I was a bit confused but nodded. "Then let's start our training now."

"You're the best," You commented as you followed Sasori back to the training ground. Your training with Sasori was mostly about all sorts of poison, the Puppet Technique, and chakra strings, which is what he's known best for.

The day ended rather quickly, although I'm not sure if you can say that to the time (around 12 A.M). Sasori had to knock you out because you kept training, even to the point he could tell you are sleepy, but you just wouldn't stop.

To Be Continued...

A/n: Hoped you liked it! This chapter kinda ended up differently than I thought, but it's still great! I thank all of you who are still reading this after all this time, I'm working hard, but sometimes I lose my motivation too.

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