Chapter 12 - Fallen! We've all Forgot...

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Author's Pov. Time: 5:30 A.M. A Few days later...
I gotta say they're doing quite a good job on keeping it down these days! It's been having a great week so far! Haven't heard any reports about anyone messing or fighting with anyone else!

You're right now training with Sasori, you learned more about the Puppet Technique, Chakra Strings, different poisons, and Puppet making. You've got to admit, he is good at these kinds of stuff.

"Hey Sori, where are you from?" You asked in the middle of training, you weren't exactly sure he would tell you, but you're just hoping. "I am a Rouge Ninja from the Village of the Sand, what others called Suna," He replied, there were no emotions in his voice, not a single bit of care. He reminded you of yourself, in one way or another, you guys were... Somewhat similar...

"And... That puppet body of yours... Are you completely puppet?" You asked you've known the answers long ago, but it just feels different when he's telling you about himself... Himself... If you get what I mean.

"I would describe myself as a human being who could not become a complete puppet, I am an unfinished puppet, whose lifeless frame still contains a beating heart at its core. I am neither dead nor am I alive." Sasori answered, looking deep into your (e/c) colored ones with his brown ones. His eyes looked... Calm... And you felt a deja vu. You heard that before... But just where?

You shook off the feeling, changing the subject to something you remembered, "Did you know that apple seeds can kill someone?" You could see a light, mixture of emotions flash through in those brown, lovely eyes, "Wouldn't most people be dead by now, then?"

A flash of smirk when though you as you begin to explain, "No, because the poison in the seeds needs to be crushed or chewed to be accessed. An adult person would need anywhere from 83 to 500 crushed seeds, depending on the apple variety, to be at risk of poisoning. And each apple has about 5 to 8 seeds. So unless someone is eating their 20th consecutive apple core and has been meticulously chewing all the seeds, they should be fine,"

You took a deep breath, coming back from explaining, "So, in conclusion, you would need about at least 27 apples to affect people, and even with that many apples, it wouldn't kill them, so you see why it's not used as poisons that often now? But you being Sori, I believe you can get something out of it,"

You gave the boy a soft smile, but unbeknown to you, Sasori felt something in his heart... It was... like an emotion, he thought he was unable to feel them anymore. But it seems something changed, inside him. Light swirled in his eyes for a brief moment before it vanished again.

From there on out, an invisible line connecting you to him, to his heart, just like what you did to everyone before him, you captured his heart, you captured him, and now he has emotions, yet only for you. The denial he had before had finally sunk in, he now faced them and accepted them.

You went back home after the training, you wanted to train a little more, but he told you that he has nothing to teach you anymore. So he's handing you over to Kisame, I mean... I guess we could be fast learners...

You got up from your bed and walked over to the closet, you wanted a change of clothes for a change of person. So you wore an (f/c) color "skin suit" and put your (h/l) (h/c) hair into an (h/s)(Hairstyle). Everything framed you, so very beautiful, but you were the only one who couldn't tell.

You walked out of your room and went downstairs, you said hello to everyone you see on your way. You spotted Kisame on the corner of your couch. You walked over, "Kisa, do you think you could train me right now?" You asked tilting your head, a piece of your (h/c) colored hair fell over, just making the movement more adorable than it should.

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