Chapter 19 - The Dream of Mystic Technique. More training!

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Author's Pov. Time: 7:00 P.M.
You went back downstairs to see that all of them were still playing truth or dare. "Hey everyone. I just need to borrow Tachi for a little bit," You said monotonously. "But Tobi still wants to play with Itachi-Senpai!(What does he call him anyway!)" Tobi said childishly. "I'm sorry Tobes, I need him for something," You said, feeling little to no sorriness to him, knowing he was just playing around.

"Fine... Tobi will let you have Itachi-Senpai this time," Tobi said in a 'not so happy but I will let go just this one-time' tone. And everyone else in the Akatuski watches this happen in interest. "Come on Tachi, I need to borrow you for a while," You said as you walk away.

The two of you are now in Itachi's room. "Tachi, sit down," You said as you pointed at his bed, "Tachi, how are your eyes doing?" You asked. "They are... fine..." He answered, you looked at him with doubt in your eyes, it was clear that you didn't believe him. "Fine... It's getting better since the last time you healed it... But it just turned worse..." Itachi answered.

You looked at him, "I'm not mad Tachi... Just disappointed..." Somehow, that answer hurts even more to Itachi than you saying you are mad. You walked over put your hands over him and started healing him.

"By the way, Tachi, do you have a name for my Medical Ninjutsu?" You asked.

"Yes, I have thought of a name,"

"What is it?"

"The Dream of Mystic Technique, or for short, Dream of Mystic,"

"That's a beautiful name! How'd you get it?"

"Your medical ninjutsu is much faster and pleasanter than the other healing techniques, so get the part 'dream', short, but beautiful, and as for the word Mystic... It just sounded nice with the word dream..."

"Thank you, Tachi," You said smiling. The healing was done, so you took off your hands. And the first thing he sees was you. But somehow you look even more stunning with your (b/s)(Body/shape) body and that pair of (e/c) captivating eyes.

"Tachi? You good?" You asked, as he finally snapped out of your captivating looks. The black hair boy blushed, although this to you only meant he didn't feel good, "Tachi? Are you sick?" You asked worriedly, he just turned his head away and said, "I'm good, I just need some rest..."

"Ok... But I still want to train with Pain-sama though..." You said, slightly disappointed but also slightly worried for both of them. "No, I can do that much, to keep you and leader-sama in a genjutsu that weak for an hour," He said. "You sure?" You asked again. 


"Ok, I trust you that much at least," You said, "Rest for a little bit more and I'll ask Pain-sama if we can train again," And with that, you walked back to your room.

Time skip for another half an hour of experiment and resting...

Author's Pov. Time: 9:00 P.M. 
You've been doing small experiments on yourself and experimented on how to send the Akatuski back for around half an hour. You decided to check on Itachi, and seeing that he was doing very well, you walked back to the first floor and asked "Pain-sama, can we train a little more?"

"Certainly," Was all he replied before walking out, you soon followed him out, with Yahiko trailing after him and Itachi in back of you. You could tell Yahiko was also confused as to why Pain is acting weird. It might be hard for others to tell what's wrong, but Yahiko and Konan have been with him for so long that they could tell easily.

You guys have decided you're just going to 'body flicker' to the training grounds. All of you being there in an instance. You soon begin training, and hours passed like minutes. While you trained, he asked you questions regarding that one sentence you mumbled to him, you just tried to ignore it to the best of your ability.

As you expected, you have finished learning the rest of Pain's tricks in the Genjutsu, while having no idea how long it has passed. "How did you know his name?" Pain questioned while you sat on the "floor", you just tried your best to pretend you didn't hear it. He stated the question once again, this time so loud and clear that it was impossible to miss.

You sighed softly, "Nagato... Was your name wasn't it? Please, don't question further, you will find out about everything when it is time..." The calmness in him was completely gone, you could visibly see shock and "irritate-ness" at this point, but he decided not to push, "Let's go back..." He recommended.

The 2 of you released yourselves from the Genjustu. And the three of you 'body flickered' back to the house. "Alright! This will be my stop, good night everyone," You said, there were a lot of things going on in your mind, and you needed time and space to process them efficiently. And as everyone said their goodnights, they all went to sleep in their rooms.

The next day...

Author's Pov. Time: 5:00 A.M. 
You were woken up by the smell of breakfast and the sound of (f/s), again... You walked down knowing this time, it is Laven who was cooking breakfast. "Good morning," You said to everyone in the room, and that includes Rin, Yahiko, Laven, and... Itachi? "Itachi? Why are you awake again?" You asked.

"I figured it has become a habit by now, waking up and making breakfast... But there's someone else that's making breakfast instead of me, and they won't let me in..." Itachi answered. You snickered at the statement, it was quite funny. All the boys in the room including Yahiko and Laven blushed, but that went unseen by you.

It might not seem like it but in reality, after all the time you spent with the Akatuski, Yahiko too has begun slowly falling for you too. You know he was also very curious, what did you say to get Pain to act the way he is? That is something you'll most likely discuss later...

Sooner or later, everyone's woken up, and they begin discussing who will train us and stuff. They somehow ended up with the conclusion for Konan training you, but they've come to a conclusion that they would ask who you want to be trained by after Konan. 

"Welp- That's that, I wonder why you didn't think of that first?" You asked sarcastically, while you roll your eyes playfully. Many of the Akatuski members looked at you and deadpanned, you sware you saw Tobi's Sharingan for a second!

"Now now. Let's eat breakfast shall we?" You invited. You were looking at them with the monotonous look that you have. God the mood swings. Very soon you all finished eating, "So, Sis-Nan, do you have time to train me?" You questioned. "Of course, (Y/n)," Konan stated, standing up and walking towards the back door.

To Be Continued...

A/n: Hope you liked it! For the next few chapters, I will be writing only about Character interactions and "training". Basically just character development with everyone in the Akatsuki. And one more, how is everyone's break going?

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