Chapter 25 - Hidan's Worst Decision! Orochimaru's Training!

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Author's Pov. Time: 6:57 AM
You woke up to the feeling of a slight headache, it seems the drinks still got to your head. You slightly shifted in your bed, it was then that you felt hands on you, were to that drunk? That you were so unaware of your surrounding? Or was it just because they're here?

Your fogged vision slowly cleared, the headache was slowly going away, and the sensation of touch settled on you. You felt the person's hands and legs placed improperly against you, while your forehead felt wet. 

You were sleeping on your side, facing the window, back to the door, so you were unsure who is on your bed. But they most likely are not wearing any shirts as you didn't feel cloth against your unchanged clothes from yesterday. Your body felt stuck, the person against you placed their hands and legs in a way that you can bearly move. There was a knock on your door, you heard Itachi call out to you, "(Y/n)? Are you awake?" 

You were about to answer but the person's hand moved over your mouth, they weren't awake, so it was most likely an accident. While you tried to move around to remove his hands, you heard 2 other voices, "Just open the door(Kakuzu)/(Y/n)-Chan~ Tobi's coming in!" Their voices were easy to verify, one was Kakuzu's, while the other one is Tobi's.

You heard the door push open as you struggled to get up from the person's grasp. But as expected, it was unsuccessful. Footsteps were heard then abruptly stopped. "What is Hidan-Senpai doing in (Y/n)-Chan's bedroom!?" Tobi half yelled the question as he runs out of the room. You furrowed your brows, so it's Hidan that's on you then? Itachi walked over to the side you were facing to notice you were awake. 

After the Dream of Mystic Technique, his eyes have gotten a lot better, the world is now no longer slightly blurred, but clear. It wasn't clear like he could see every detail, but it was clear enough for him to see if your eyes were opened or not. He believes if you continued healing his eyes with the Dream of Mystic Technique, his eyes would be fully healed. Of course, if he keeps using his Mangekyou Sharingan... But that is unavoidable... On the other hand, Itachi was uncertain if this was by accident, but it seems his terminal illness has been working backward. He was getting better. Both from his "terminal illness" and his eyesight.

All of this was unbeknown to you, "Mhmm-" You tried to speak through Hidan's hand, but the only thing that came out was your muffled voice. Your hearing packed up on more footsteps to your room as you wondered what was going on. The footsteps stopped, so you assumed the Akatsuki have made it into your room, seeing Hidan improperly placed against you.

One hand is over your mouth while the other arm is wrapped under your body, and his hand landed on your thighs, his fingers dangerously close to your private area. One of his legs somehow got under yours, and he hooked it on one of your legs. While the other leg is over you.  (Like me hugging a long pillow, I would swing one of my legs over it while one hand is also over, the pillow is kinda sandwiched, that's kinda the position you're in right now)

Just imagine the leg over the pole is Hidan's leg that's under you, and the one leg he wrapped around is the pole. So your leg is kinda stuck around the knee. (His knee is faced towards the corner where the windows, where you're faced, and the closet, which is the end side of your bed, meet. So based on that you can kinda know where his foot is... Not a great spot considering the fingers)

Your face flushed red in embarrassment, why at a time like this? And why you? Itachi looked over to the crew as you heard hurried footsteps. It was Kisame, he was moving Hidan's hand and legs away from yours. As soon as Kisame removed his hand from your mouth, you gasped and sighed, "I'd get away, but I'm kinda stuck in this position..." You explained.

"We know, we can tell," Kisame said calmly, his face was stoic and calm, but you had a bad feeling. As soon as Kisame unwrapped you from Hidan completely, Kakuzu's tendrils grabbed you and placed you outside the door before closing it. You caught a glimpse of the Akatsuki's faces in the process, none looked too happy about the situation.

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