Chapter 8 - Lavender, (Y/n), and Kakuzu! Full-scale massacre!

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Your Pov. Time: 4:25 P.M.
I am ready, and so are my "friends". They were waiting for my signal, we started moving as soon as I single-handedly took onto the fence of the second floor and did a sky flip. I landed on the first floor and did a roll, the two jumped after me. As soon as I stood up, I headshot the two guard that was protecting (and was going to shoot me) the 7th item.

"Kuzu, if you don't mind! Take the right side, and kill everyone you see!" I yelled as I continued shooting, dashing frontwards to dodge all the bullets. Plus, there were yelling, screaming, pleading, bad-aimed gunshot, footsteps, and the sound of running.

"Laven!-" Before I could say anything, Laven said, "No need to tell me! I know what to do!" I smiled as I continued to shoot two other attendees. The sound of them yelling, screaming, and pleading was all music to my ears.

I took my ran toward the front, which is their back office. Much to my surprise, the guards were half asleep. 'Unskilled and traitors, such a good combo...' I thought sarcastically.

Because they were half asleep, I took them all down with a headshot. But I did tie a few people in the back office, to use for questioning. After I killed them "all", I just stretched my arms.

I took my sweet sweet time to get "cleaned up". I licked the blood that was on my face, "Their blood sucks, I should inform Laven about this." I am not a demon, a vampire, nor a carnivore if that was what you thought I was. I just liked the taste of blood, that's it.

The weirdest of all is that my "taste"/liking of blood is just like them (demons, vampires, and cannibals). I just wiped all the blood that was on my face and then walked back to them, 'By now they should be finished, after all, I did take my sweet sweet time...' I thought.

"You're back young master!" Laven yelled, "I almost thought you ran into some trouble!" Kakuzu just looked at me like he was crazy or something. "I did take my time to do something else," I looked at Laven with a guilty look, "Oh! And the blood here tastes super bad! Don't try it!"

Laven nodded, and I don't even need to look at Kakuzu to know what he was thinking. I ignored him and looked at (F/n). "So? May I have my stuff then?" I tilted my head and smiled at them, though the smile scared them. 

"J-just grab it y-yourself, (Y-(Y/n)!" (F/n) stumbled out. I just nodded, "Come on Kuzu, after we grabbed our stuff we're going," I said, without turning my head.


 "No, but! It's too late, maybe next time,"

Kakuzu frowned but followed me, at least he had a bit of fun. We grabbed our stuff and went back to the car, "Let's go, we'll walk, we need to figure out how to use these things too." We walked back to the mansion, in the middle we talked, had jokes, had fun, and learned a lot about him and them (The Akatuski). I told him that I knew they were a group of criminals long ago, and he had a priceless look on his face! He told me that their group is called "The Akatuski", which I ready knew, but I didn't say.

Author's Pov. Time: 6:30 P.M.
'This is later than I expected...' You're now at your home. With Hidan, Tobi, and Deidara yelling/arguing about how they should have gone with us (wanted to go) too, and they're going next time. When you and Kakuzu explained why you guys were home at a time like this. 

While Tobi, Hidan, and Deidara are yelling about this and that, you, on the other hand, were checking on Itachi and Konan. You went to Itachi first, and you asked about how the teaching went, and are they working ok with their phone. "The teaching went quite... well, they've already gotten used to their new phone,"

You nodded, then went to Konan, "So? Did any of them cruse?" You asked. "Hidan said a few, but that was it, nothing more (else)." You thanked and smiled at her, tho a kinda creepy smile. It sent down a (soft) shiver on her back.

"Hidan~" You're now calling/looking for Hidan with a scary voice/call. Most of the Akatuski turn to look at you, but Kakuzu just looked away, "I'm going back to my room, I've got a feeling of what's going to happen," He said. You smiled at Kakuzu and mouthed a "Good choice!"

Author's Pov. Time: 6:15 P.M.
You've beaten Hidan up with the scythe you "bought". You told him that it was supposed to be his temporary replacement, but now that this happened, he's not getting it, never getting it. "Come on! Please?" Hidan asked, "Don't push it." You decided to throw him into your "backyard" (A huge bloody forest) and let him stay there for a week.

After you sent Hidan to your "backyard", the others looked at you like you were a demon of some sort. "What? You guys want to go there with Hidan too?" You asked. Tobi shakes his head super hard, meaning he didn't want to go. "Alright then! Let's go back!" You said.

You begin to walk back to your house, but you got picked up bridal style. "Who? Wha-" You blushed, "Tachi? Why did you pick me up?"

"I thought you might be tired, I'll put you down if you want."

"Na, I like it!" You said with a smile and soft blush, but you'll never know, the whole Akatuski was starting at Itachi. You and the Akatuski talked a bit, unaware of the dark aura. Then you fell asleep halfway. When you woke up, You were back at your house and you were in your room.

To Be Continued...

A/n: Thank you all for reading! This chapter is a bit shorter than the others. Well because I didn't know what to write... I promise the next one will be longer!

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