Chapter 18 - Training with Pain! Experiments!

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Author's Pov. Time: 4:50 P.M.
Itachi activated the Mangekyou Sharingan, you and Pain looked into his eyes, and in the blink of an eye, you entered the dark void. This is so cool! I know he did this while we were training but- wait- Can I learn this- if I could copy- Oh shoot! I think I just remembered something I "shouldn't"... but after all this- I must remember to heal Tachi's eyes, he must have put a lot of strain on his eyes, I wonder how much of Pain's trick I can learn today...

You are stuck in your thoughts, again. Just like the first time you and Itachi trained, Pain tried to call you out of your train of thought, but it was no use. So he just sat down quietly while waiting for you to get out of your thoughts.

Outside of the Genjutsu...

Itachi has to keep his Mangekyou Sharingan activated or else the two of you would snap out of the genjutsu. It was not a problem for him, but as he waited on a bench on the training grounds, he begin to remember the time he was going to name your medical jutsu...

"Dream of Mystic..." Itachi mumbled to himself. He has decided to tell you the name of your medical jutsu once the two of you have finished training.

Inside the Genjutsu...

You have finally come back to the senses from the thoughts. "Oh! I must have done it again- I'm sorry Pain-sama. I get lost in my thoughts sometimes and it's hard to snap myself back to reality," You said quite sheepishly, "I figured, I have tried calling your name for a while now, but you wouldn't react to me," Pain said in his usual monotonous voice.

You apologized again before you guys started training... And then time flies. Before you knew it, it has been half an hour in the outside world (The time from inside to outside is 10h:1h; in other words, 10 hours inside the genjutsu is 1 hour outside; I know it can be much longer like 24h:1sec but just for the time being let's keep this genjutsu this way).

You sat down on the floor of the void, although you can't see it, "Pain-Sama, I can't read much into your eyes, but I can feel the pressure of emotions inside you, a mixture of everything... The most powerful in them are pain and remorse, like your name... I won't ask much or dig into it, but when you have time... You should... Give yourself a break..." You sighed softly looking into his Rinnegan, his eyes contain no emotion there was nothing you can read from it, but his gestures told you he was slightly surprised although he tried not to show it.

"Please, don't be alarmed by me, I truly mean no harm to any of you, I wish you the best, always..." You plead when you notice his body turning slightly hostile and defensive. "The suffering I have experienced only enlightened me, making me rise above humanity toward godhood," Pain calmly stated, you had a calm face also, "Are you sure?"

He knows if anyone else asked that question, he would answer yes or just kill them... But you, something about you tell him you are different, something in you makes him not want to lie to you, but he has to, "Yes," he blankly stated. But you knew it was a lie but didn't push. The 2 of you rested in awkward silence.

"We shall take a break," Pain said, breaking the silence, "But how do we get out of the Genjutsu?" You asked, and Pain then taught you "Release" a just that snaps you back into reality once you use it, either on someone else, or yourself. (you know, the one that snaps you out of a genjutsu once you say it to someone else in the real world, I'm not sure if it works the other way around though, I'm just pretending it does in the story.)

"Yahiko... Wish you the best..." You quietly mumbled before saying, "Release!" Pain stood there wide-eyed for a moment before also saying "Release,"

Author's Pov. Time: 5:55 P.M.
You guys were now out of the Genjutsu. "That was fun!" You said happily, ignoring Pain's questioning gaze. Although you only learned a bit of Pain's trick, you bet you can learn the rest in a short while (in real-time while you are in genjutsu). "We shall take a break Itachi," Pain commended finally removing his gaze from you. "Yes, leader-sama," was all Itachi replied.

The three of you walked back to the house in complete silence. You chose not to talk to Pain in the meanwhile, avoid his doubtful yet suspicious gaze again and again. You were almost relieved when you made it back. When the three of you opened the door, you were greeted with the view of everyone playing truth or dare again.

 "(Y/n)-chan! Your back! Come play with Tobi and the rest!" Tobi yelled as soon as he spotted the three of you. Although clearly ignoring the other two, "Sure. Come on Tachi, Pain-sama." You said softly. That was the first thing you said to him after leaving the Genjutsu. The three of you joined in the truth or dare for a while. 

"Hidan, truth or dare?" Kakuzu asked, "Dare" Hidan replied. "Let's place a bet on when we would be able to go back home, to our timeline," Kakuzu said, "You all are free to place bets too,". He meant that to the others as another way to earn money, but you took it seriously and began to think.

"Guys, I have something to do right now, sorry," You said. "That is certainly disappointing (Y/n)," Zetsu said, it surely surprised you, that he would be the one to say anything. But you still replied, "Sorry, I just remembered something," You said, you rushed away. You soon begin to think, 'would it be possible to send them back with the portal? That is worth a try... Oh yeah! Tachi's eyes! I gotta test it out!'

You made it into your room before closing your eyes, and it was just like you had it your whole life, opening them, it felt different. The world looked... Just a little different. You went into the bathroom to look at a mirror, and as you expected, it was the Mangekyou Sharingan. You closed your (e/c) orbs again but this time, trying to turn them into the regular Sharingan.

Soon you opened your eyes, something changed, you could feel it, it was different than when you had your Mangekyou Sharingan. You then looked into the mirror again, it was the Sharingan, the normal one. You were very happy that you remembered you even had this ability.

You blinked again, and it turned your eyes back into your normal, (e/c) colored eyes. 'So this Kekkei Genkai follows my thoughts... Does all Kekkei Genkai do that?' You soon wondered about all the possible things you could do with the Kekkei Genkai(s).

An hour later, after you did some testing with the Kekkei Genkai(s)...

As it has turned out, you can use any Kekkei Genkai that you saw, including the Rinnegan, Rinne Sharingan, and basically anything else (I'm just sayin', I don't know if that is true, and I'm just gonna say it is). So that means you know and can use almost every jutsu and Kekkei Genkai, Kekkei Tōta, and Kekkei Mōra in the anime, except the ones you did not see yet. That also includes all basic nature transformations and any of the "new elemental nature" created by using many nature transformations simultaneously. 

Here comes the question, what is your Mangekyou Sharingan, Rinnegan, and Rinne Sharingan's ability? (I'm not sure if Rinne Sharingan has specific abilities, I'm just going to guess it does here) Turns out, it's all of them! You don't have your own Sharingan! You basically copied everyone else's! But another question was in your head, do you, by any chance... Have Hashirama's cells in you? That you will never know until it's time.

And of course, you can always push back the memory of the jutsu and learn from scratch, but as long as you want, the information is always there for you to access. And once you have seen it, there is no way of erasing the memory of it from your mind. 'With this in mind, I can certainly do more stuff than I plan on doing too.' You thought cheerfully. This is a great step towards doing anything you want. And as you already learned, you can use any jutsu or ability out of the anime too!

This is certainly fascinating, and very very interesting too. And just in time, you remembered 'Oh yeah! I need to heal Tachi's eyes!'

To Be Continued...

A/n: Hope you liked it! This chapter was kinda hard for me, I don't know what to write about Pain, it was slightly difficult but I managed. I have decided I'm going to have a few chapters just kinda ignoring the work and everything and just focusing on the training part and character development with everyone. (Still trying to save this horrible book  - Future Author)

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