Chapter 21 - Kakuzu's training! Why Hidan?

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Author's Pov. Time: 9:00 P.M.
"So, have you decided who will train you next?" Hidan asked carelessly, not noticing the tension between the people when he asked that question. You nodded, "Yeah, now that you mentioned it... I want Kakuzu to train me next," Hidan snapped his head at you, "Him out of all people?" You looked at him rising an eyebrow, "Is there any problem?" He just shook his head and went back to eating.

"Heh, take that" Kakuzu laughed, which further pissed Hidan off. You chuckle at their constant battle, while sometimes questioning how the Akatsuki is keeping their sanity while around them. "So, let's start training tomorrow?" You asked, he just nodded. Soon, all of you have finished dinner, you called "quit" on the day early while the others still hung around the living room.

Time Skip, Next-Day...

The second you came home, you went rising towards Kakuzu, you know that whatever he's going to teach you, it's not gonna fit in a few hours. "Kuzu! Can we train?" You asked, sounding slightly excited, jumping a little. He looked at you before looking away awkwardly, scratching his face slightly. You couldn't understand the hints, but many others did.

"Hidan, come on." Kakuzu called out, you were confused as to why he would call him, but everything would make sense later. You made your way out with the 2, clearly excited for the incoming training. "Where weren't you like this when we trained?" Hidan asked, you placed your thumb under your chin, the "first" finger on your bottom lip, a looking of thinking before you finally put down your hand, "I don't know, most likely a mood thing. I have weird mood swings, but I think you can tell,"

Hidan just huffed, while Kakuzu was just satisfied with his reaction. Soon the 3 of you made it to the training grounds. "So, what are we doing?" You asked, Kakuzu expended his body into his full-out battle form. (I don't know how he turns into "battle mode" so don't come at me with this, I don't know what to do-)

You narrowed your eyes, "Is that hair- no it's not. What is it?" You question walking closer to Kakuzu. You extended your arm to touch the "string" which to Hidan's surprise Kakuzu didn't get mad, "Is it... steel threads?" He nodded his head, "Took you a while," he commented. You softly chuckled, you were always confused when watching, was that his hair of what (VERY REAL FOR ME!).

He somehow ripped a few threads from his body and gave them to you, "It'll work a little different, but it's going to end the same somehow," Turns out he wanted you to learn to control the threads like him, and Hidan is your guys(es) target. While you and Kakuzu figure out how to get the threads to work with you, Hidan was off to the side, playing with the scythe you gifted him.

Soon you figured out how to work it and got the hang of it very quickly, its principal was similar to Chakra strings but different in ways. Kakuzu was showing you step to step on how to attack with this thing, "And you just... There" He swiftly used his threads and tangled Hidan, then tossed him across the training ground.

You just watched with slightly widened eyes and blinking, "I can do that with this?" You asked looking at the (very few and seemingly thin) threads. He looked at you dead in the eyes, while he demonstrated the tossing again, this time you saw, he used about the same amount of things as you have.

"Warn me next time you old man!!" Hidan yelled at Kakuzu, you chuckled slightly and offered, "I will ignore any cursing that you might throw out during training," A small blush made its way to both of them as Hidan yelled, "Hell yeah! Thank you, baby! Thank you Jashin!"

You slightly blushed when Hidan called you baby while Kakuzu scowled. As Hidan jumped around, you tried to control the threads to tangle onto his feet. And with a bit of "willpower", you successfully grabbed him up and tossed him across the room. "I never knew something so small has so much force, it's amazing," You commented in surprise.

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