Chapter 9 - A easy day off! Truth or dare?

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Author's Pov. Time: 5:30 A.M.
You woke up to the smell of breakfast, again 'It's definitely Tachi again...' You noticed you were still wearing the same clothes as yesterday, and it's... quite bloody? So you decided to change, and take a quick shower.

After your shower, you walked down to where Itachi is. "Good morning Tachi," You said giving him a nod. "Morning (Y/n)" He said still working on the breakfasts. "I wanna help! I want to try out a new recipe of mine!" You said looking over to what he was making, it was the same old thing from yesterday. 'Damm... Don't they ever want something new?' 

The new recipe you were trying out is rice with seaweed and self-made milk tea (This is what I'm eating right now), and it turned out to be good! After you were done, you severed both of you the food you made. You were chatting and eating, having a bit of fun. After about 20 minutes, Pain came down the stairs, you offered the food you made and asked if he liked it.

Turns out, yes! You were really happy about this. And the three of you talked too, somewhat in the middle of your chatting, you started calling Pain, Pain-sama. "Pain-sama?" He asked, "I thought it is unpleasant of me to keep on-call you Pain when everyone else is calling you leader-sama... And well, I am not a part of your organization so I can't call you leader-sama too, so I thought of calling you Pain-sama! Do you not like it? Should I call you leader-sama too? Or does it somehow offend you?" You asked worriedly.

You were afraid Pain wouldn't like the nickname, but instead, he said it's fine. "Thank Laven! I almost thought you hate it!" You said with relief while throwing your hand up in the air.

Authors Pov. Time: 7:25 AM
Everyone has eaten their breakfast, you're now cleaning up the dishes. "Here, let me help," Itachi said. With Itachi's help, the cleaning process speeded up.

"Since Tobi have so much free time, why don't Tobi and the others play something?" Tobi asked, the others nodded in agreement, "But what should we play?" Konan asked, "Oh I know! What about truth or dare?" I asked, "Truth or dare? What is that?" Orochimaru asked.

You then remember they don't know anything about now-time stuff. You then explained what is truth or dare, and how it works.

"And that's, basically it. So, wanna play truth or dare?" You asked after explaining. "I like it! It sounds cool, un!" Deidara kinda yelled. "Truth or dare it is!" You soft-yelled. "I'll start! Tachi, truth or dare?" You asked.


"I dare you to let me do breakfast for tomorrow!"


"No buts! You chose dare! So it is what it is!" Itachi wanted to protest, but decided against it, "Alright, next, Tachi you go!" You said.

"(Y/n), truth or dare?"

"Hmm, I choose truth!"

"Do you know any kind of jutsu?"

"Unfortunately, no..." You said, with a sad face. "Alright next! Tobes! You go!"

"(Y/n)-chan! Truth or dare?"

"Me again?!" You pointed at yourself, "Mmm, I choose dare!"

"Tobi dare (Y/n)-chan to give Tobi more sweets! Like yesterday's!"

You smiled and walked over to the kitchen, You grabbed a chocolate bar and a lollipop and you walked back.

"Here you go Tobes," You said as you handed Tobi the sweet, "Next is... Pain-sama!"


"Why me..." you said as you frowned, "Alright, I choose dare!"

"Kiss me."

You blushed, "W-what?!" You looked at him like he was crazy, "Do I need to ask you again?" Pain said looking at me. "I-I n-no..." You sighed looking away, blushing.

You never expected this to happen, or at least you didn't think Pain would be the one doing this dare. But you still walked over to Pain and kissed him on the cheek.

"Not fair leader-sama! I wanted to do that dare!" Deidara said, earning a glare from the boys as you blushed again.

"There, a kiss, you have it." You said, walking back to your seat, "Next is, Orochimaru."

"(Y/n), truth or dare?"

"Laven! Why is it always me?!" You yelled to the air, "Dare, I choose dare."

"I dare you to give me a bottle of your blood"

"Ok- wait, you what?!" You yelled, and the others gave Orochmaru a death glare, "Why would you even want my blood?!"

"So are you going to give it to me?"

"I- find... a dare is a dare" You created a small glass bottle to contain your blood. You then created a kunai, put the kunai on your hand, and cut it open.

Dark red liquid dropped down your hand into the glass bottle. The others looked at you with a kinda worried face, while Orochimaru looked at you like you were some sort of lab rat. Which, you weren't, at least, ■︎□︎⧫︎  ♋︎■︎⍓︎❍︎□︎❒︎♏︎.

You looked at Orochimaru, and asked, "What are you? A vampire? Or what?" You then threw him the bottle of your blood. He looked like some crazy person, so you gave him the "finger".

"Thank Laven Hidan isn't here, or else he would've learned that..." You mumbled to yourself, "Alright next! Dei! Your turn!"

"Tobi, truth or dare, un?"

"Tobi choose dare!"

"I dare you to not talk for a whole week, un!"

"That's a good one." (Sasori)

"That's mean!" You said, "But Deidara senpai, Tobi don't want to be quiet..." Tobi said.

"I don't care, un!"

Tobi then looked at you, hoping that you could somehow help, "Sorry Tobes, a dare is a dare... I can't help you on this!" You said apologetically, "Alright, next one! Zetsu! You go! "

"(Y/n), truth or dare"

"Should've seen that coming..." You said, hopelessly, "Truth, I'll go with the truth this time..."

"Who are you?" He asked. You flinched at the question, "W-what do you mean? I don't understand...?" You knew Zetsu was always the sharp one, but you didn't know he was this sharp...

"You said you don't know any jutsu, but you just created a glass bottle out of thin air, other than that, you threw a kunai at them," He said pointing at the rest of the Akatuski, "And not even Leader noticed, so who are you? Really?"

You sighed,  you knew it would come up to this... Just hope they'll believe in your lie, well, half-lie, "I... trained myself without the help of anyone, just like I said before, I have done things that are similar,  or even more dangerous than bounty hunting," You looked at them with the saddest eyes you got, "and with all that 'practice' I become what I am now... But I'll be happy if you guys can help me practice fighting, or even teach me some jutsu!"

You tried to lighten up the mood, which you did successfully, "Alright, next! Kuzu you can go!"


"Nope! Uh uh! I choose truth! I already know! It's me, right?" You said, looking at them like you're going to go insane any second. Kakuzu nodded and said, "Why did you replace the word god with Lavender's name?"

"Ohh~" You suddenly remember how you replace the word God or Kami with Laven, 'Oh no, why did I even do that in the first place! What do I say?!' As you were thinking out your answer you said, "That's because..."

To Be Continued...

A/n: Cliffhanger! Please don't kill me yet! I personally liked this chapter, it's a fun one. I just found out that I think I forgot to post this chapter! I'm so sorry! I'm kinda being an idiot-

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