Chapter 22 - Iwagakure's Kinjutsu! Shopping!

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Author's Pov. Time: 9:20 P.M.
"Finally! Hm!" Deidara said, his mouth full of food. "Finish eating before you speak!" You yelled at him. You saw Hidan and Kakuzu, who were forced to sit together, saying something, but decided not to listen to it. You've always had good hearing, but you could decide whether to use it or not.

With Hidan and Kakuzu...

"Heh," Hidan 'laughed' Kakuzu glanced at Hidan calmly, "You're jealous, you've become attached to her," Hidan jumped a little before grunting, "Fuck you, old man," and he went back to eating. "Don't deny the fact that you like her as well," Itachi, who overheard Kakuzu said. "Huh, right back at you," Kakuzu replied calmly. It seems more and more are noticing.

Time Skip, Next-Day...

It was finally the weekend, you could finally train all day. You woke up at the normal time how. "Morning," you said to those who are awake. Rin followed you to the bathroom, "I wonder if Obito is going to teach you anything," she questioned. You looked at her, "I wonder too,"

She floated around for a while before questioning, "Wait! You know who Obito is?" You nodded, ignoring all her questions further. She never remembers telling you about Tobi's real name and everything. She was very confused, and she wanted to get the answers, but it seems you were not going to tell her, she floated out towards Yahiko telling him what just happened.

You ignored their confused gazes, you truly don't know how to react to their surprise, it was funny in a sense. You made it to the table to eat your breakfast, after you finished you made it to the back door and called out to Itachi on the sofa, "Tachi, when Dei wakes up, tell him to come to the training grounds ok?" You saw him nodding before going out to the training grounds.

You made it to the training grounds and decided to practice some Justus mostly Earth and Water. In the end, you wanted to try out the explosion nature, but you still weren't exactly sure how it was going to work. You first walked outside and grabbed some dirt while you channeled Chakra into it. You then opened the palm of your other hand and tried to convert your Chakra into "lighting", which you successfully did, causing continuous sparks above the palm of your hand.

You then stopped converting and focused back on the other hand, you then did the same thing on the hand with dirt, the only difference is your channeling it. And with that, you caused a small explosion in the palm of your hand. For some weird reason, you did not get injured by the explosion.

Unbeknown to you, Deidara saw this happen and in a sudden change of plans, he was going to teach you something better, so you can continue his art! "(Y/n)! Let's go! I want to do something! Hm!" Deidara yelled at you. You looked at Deidara before following him into the training room again.

"So, what are we going to do, Dei?" You asked. "First, I want you to try doing 'Explosion Release: Exploding Palm', just focus your Chakra on the palm of your hand and imagine an explosion. Or you can try to convert half of that Chakra into electricity, both work. Hm." Deidara explained and then suggested.

You nodded, trying the first suggestion, and it worked. You looked at Deidara, smiling, it was that easy yet you didn't know, that's the only difference between knowing the "textbook" and knowing the "reality", you know everything, but not everything. They know less than you, but more than you at the same time.

Deidara looked at you and your smile, then blushed. Light reflected off of your (e/c) colored eyes while your (h/l) (h/c) hair fluttered softly by the non-existence wind, framing your beautiful face and its smile. He will never admit it, but you are a true piece of art in his eyes.

"Dei? Are you ok? You spaced out." You asked snapping him back to reality from your beauty. "Yeah, I'm fine. Hm. Now what I'm about to teach you is Kinjutsu, which is a technique that has been banned from being taught or used. So that means you can use it here freely, but if you were ever to come to our world and want to live a normal life, don't ever use this Jutsu in front of anyone except us. Hm?" Deidara explained, then questioned. You nodded, you appreciate his sense of honesty and effort to keep you safe.

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