Chapter 26 - Zetsu? Salvation.

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Author's Pov. Time: 6:10 P.M.
The 3 of you finally arrived at the dinner table, Itachi seem to have visually relaxed seeing you here. "You have no idea how worried we were (Y/n)!" Konan worried and told you, that as soon as they saw you, it was like a big rock that was pressing on their hearts was finally removed.

"Why? What happened?" You questioned, tilting your head. "You haven't eaten in a day!" Kakuzu exclaimed something which you did not expect. "Well, I'm sorry. But I love the gift you guys made me! I don't even know how you guys got the time or the abilities, but thank you so much!" You said, so very cheerfully, the smile on your face told them how sincere you were.

Sasori huffed proudly, you just chuckled. "Now come on! Let's eat already!" You cheered on. Everyone seemed to have a smile on their face as you ate, while you finally announced the final 2 people who were going to train you. It was Zetsu and then Tobi.

The day ended like that, you could tell everyone was happy, and so were you. The next day you were greeted by Zetsu right outside your door. "How... Long have you been there?" You asked, raising a brow and tilting your head slightly. "Not for long, maybe for a few hours," Zetsu said, your eyes widened quickly, "A few hours? Have you even slept?"

I'm not exactly sure if Zetsu needs sleep, for this writing purpose, I'll just say he doesn't need sleep, but he does sleep when he wants to just because.

"We don't need sleep, we sleep just because we want to." Zetsu explained, you made a 'just realized' face and oh-ed. Then Zetsu chuckled, it was a cool sight, seeing both sides of Zetsu laugh simultaneously. It just made your day much better and it's only the beginning.

The 2 of you arrived at the training grounds, while on the way, you learned a bit more about both of them. "So, what are you going to teach me?~" You asked in a slightly playful way, but were soon reminded of their departure which sadden you, somewhat.

The emotion was only on your face for a fraction of a second, and fortunately for you, no one noticed. "(Y/n)," White Zetsu called out. It appears you weren't responding to him for the past few minutes, why did you space out? There was no cause.

"Huh, sorry." You quickly replied, "What were you saying?" You added. "We were saying we are going to teach you the Mayfly justu, it's a fairly useful justu in running away, spying, and well, a lot of other things." They explained. You nodded, it's amazing how much trust they place in you, and you adore it too.

"But, there's a catch. There is a limitation to it, although we suspect the limitation won't affect you. In other words, won't limit you." Zetsu explained, your quirked an eyebrow in question, "What makes you have that conclusion?"

"Just pure guess." Zetsu said, you figured there was something more, but you didn't push, "For this Jutsu, we need to be outside, it's fine if it's inside, but it's better outside, for beginners." He continued to explain as he led you out.

(I'm gonna make this up as I go, some of this is based on research, and others are just pure guesses as I haven't reached that far into the story yet.)

"First, try tinting yourself with your chakra, not cover, but actually have it in but outside of you. Have it cover you around your body, as well as in the first few layers of your skin, if you could, without damaging yourself, have your chakra sink in your skin." Zetsu explained.

You nodded, as you try to do what he explained, it was a funny feeling, like something is in, on, and around you. The thing is not hostile, nor is it unfamiliar, quite the contrary, but it still feels as if the chakra is intruding you and your space, it was a feeling you could not describe.

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