Chapter 13 - Training and group time with everyone!

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Author's Pov. Time: 3:40 P.M.
"You're back (Y/n)-chan!" That was the first thing you heard, coming from Tobi. "Yes, I'm back with Maru, Tobes." You said smiling, but everyone's reaction was the same. 

"Maru?" (Everyone)

"Yep! I've decided that Maru is his nickname!" You said happily.

You then looked around the room and spotted Kisame. You walked toward him and asked, "Can we go training again? I wanna finish our training!" He looked at you with surprise but nodded, walking to the back door with you again.

The others stared in envy as you walk out of the room, but their stares were unseen. "Kisa, I like spending time with you! You're cool!" You said looking at him, he blushed. That has boosted his self-confidence a little.

You reminded yourself to always say good things and compliments to Kisame as much as you can, you want him to have that confidence in himself. But at the same time, what you said was true, it was fun with him! Very fun! And there it is! You arrived at your training place~

(When I said to train, I was only being lazy and thinking of a way to do a time skip. I know, you might be thinking "you just started writing this chapter". But I have been writing three chapters in a row. And I want to they out new ways of writing too! So, forgive me for being this lazy!)

Time Skip! 2 and a half hours later! Time: 6:20 P.M.

Though out the 2 and a half hours you guys were together you not only trained with Kisame, you talked and played with him too! But just in case it wasn't too obvious, you finished training with Kisame. And now, you're back at your house! And everyone was talking about who should train you next.

"Tobi wants to train (Y/n)-chan!" Tobi said, which got denied by Deidara, "No! I should train (Y/n)!" You just sweated, they do know I'll be training with them all at last right? "I think it should be best if I train darling~," Orochimaru said.

"Why don't you all just let her decide?" 'Thank you, Itachi! You're my saver!' You thought. The others just looked at me with hopes in their eyes. "I'll go with Hiden, thank you very much," I said, smiling, the others looked surprised.

"Yes! Thank Jashin!" Hidan yelled out. "But, why him?" Itachi asked, "Because he has that super cool-! Wait no, it's um... Because I think it might be fun to do so.. . Yeah.." You said, you almost spilled out the fact that you knew about them in some way...

The Akatuski just looked at me in confusion. But you just pushed it off their mind with a new idea of​​​​​​ yours, "Hey! Why don't we all just have group time together again!" You half-yelled. Everyone was so interested in this idea that everyone's mind was off what they were talking about last second.

Your Pov. Time: 6:40 P.M.
"I have been thinking..." I started, and everyone just turned their attention to me, "Should we make a code or just something so that we can know it's us? Not other people?" I asked, this has been on my mind for a while, if this "code" thing does happen then I can stop a lot of accidents, using this "code".

"I've never thought of this..." Itachi said, the others nodding. "Ah! (Y/n)-chan! Tobi and the others have made something for you! While you were training!" Tobi said, I turned my attention to Tobi, then Tobi's hand, "What is this, Tobes?" I asked, it looked like an Akatuski cloud keychain, and on his other hand, was an Akatuski cloud neckless.

 "Ah! (Y/n)-chan! Tobi and the others have made something for you! While you were training!" Tobi said, I turned my attention to Tobi, then Tobi's hand, "What is this, Tobes?" I asked, it looked like an Akatuski cloud keychain, and on his other ha...

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"Are these for me?" I asked, "Mhm! We made it only for you! Tobi thinks it's called a keychain and necklace!" Tobi said. "Aww! Thank you! I love it! By the way, Tobes, can you tell me who is 'we' and 'the others'?" I asked.

"Tobi can't say! The others will be mad!" Tobi said childishly. I just smiled, I then turned to the others (you get what I mean?) and asked, "So, what's the code gonna be?" " Not sure, we haven't decided it yet..." Itachi answered.

"Logical, no one can come up with a 'code' so fast," I said, nodding, and I added, "Maybe something in the modern time? So that no one can figure it out." The others just looked at me with surprise, and Orochmiru just said, "Good idea my dear darling~" The other members glared at him, but they just nodded, and I said, "Thanks, I appreciate that,".

2000 years later... (Just as a saying, we didn't live for 2000 years with them at the same spot; lol)

"Oh! Oh! I know!" I said as the Akatuski turned to look at me, "What about... A song!" The others looked at me with confusion, "I know, I know, it might sound confusing and silly at first, but it'll make sense later!"

They turned to face me while putting their attention on me fully, "We can use the song (f/s)(favorite/song) as our secret code, You'll just have to remember all the lyrics, and we can sing or say any sentence of the song to confirm it is in fact 'each other' you know-? And if you're not so sure even after that part of the song, just let them sing the second part or sentence of the song to make sure!"

"That's a brilliant idea!" Orochimaru again, "Thank you!" You said giving him a soft yet bright smile, "So, I'll send you the link to the song and sing it once for you guys. Does that sound good to you guys?" You asked. They just nodded in response, you pulled out your phone before sharing the song in a group chat with everyone, then you begin singing.

After singing your (f/s).

As you slightly gasp your breath, "Done! I know I'm not that good at singing, so forgive me!". The others were only studded by your beautiful singing, but you being you, you took it in the wrong way, " I knew it... I should've never sung it..." You mumbled.

"No no, darling! Your singing was perfect!" said Orochimaru in a hurry. "Really?" I asked, "Really." This time, the answer was given by Itachi. And with that, you believed them.

"Then... this is our code now?" I asked they answered me with either a yes/yep or a nod, "Oh! Won't you look at the time? That alone took too much time for today! I'm going to sleep! See ya guys tomorrow!"

The world works in different ways, but it seems one thing is certain, the more time you spend with anyone, the more they'll fall for you (unless they hate you with a purpose). I walked back to my bedroom, changed out, then got ready to sleep. You ended up receiving a call from Laven before I successfully fall asleep. 

"Hello, young master?"

"What do you need Laven?" I asked happily, but confused, he haven't called me in quite a while. "Master wanted to invite you to 'our' mansion, though he/she did not tell me the reason..." Laven said.

I, of course just accepted happily, we then chatted for a while, and then we ended our call. I finally re-prepared myself for sleep, thinking of tomorrow. Of course, I called the company to make sure I don't have to go to work tomorrow again. So happy... Unaware of what's going to happen tomorrow.

 To Be Continued...

A/n: Hoped you liked it! This chapter is mainly for way future lore, you will never know until you get there. Also, for your guys' information, some of the chapters are already half thought out or made, and in the end, I just needed to add more to something in the chapter. So sometimes you might see some Author's/note be confusing, and this is the reason. And I have somewhat come back Techno, and my cannon reaction is, he's still alive forever in my heart so he's still alive.

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