Chapter 4 - A new start! Breakfast and Technologies.

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Your Pov. Time: 5:00 A.M.
I was woken up by the sound of the alarm clock and the sound and smell of something being cooked. I forgot to turn off the alarm last night, but it's a good thing. Even though I have the week off, I still have a lot of work to do.

I already have plans for today, I'm going to teach the Akatsuki about now-time technology, but I need to find a way to limit their ability to watch anime, or they might find out... About their world is fake and stuff...

Then half an hour before noon, I was going to their mansion and get myself to the "market". I'm going to be there for about 5 hours, I have a lot of things to do there. It should be around 5:30 P.M. when I get back. Or later.

'Oh, my Laven! Why does the world hate me!' I jumped out of bed and walked to the closet, looked through the closet, and I picked out an (f/c) skirt (or shirt), black mid-long pants, a pair of (f/c), and (2nd/ f/c) earrings.

I walked over to the mirror in the closet, looked at myself carefully, and decided it would be nice to have a lazy day without makeup today. Plus, I hate makeup anyway.

After that, I walked out of my room to the first floor but met Itachi in the kitchen. "Good morning," you greeted before taking a double-take. "Morning (Y/n)," he replied with a monotonous voice. "Wait, Itachi?!" Not wanting to wake everyone up, you whisper-yelled, "You up already? It's only 5:30 in the morning!"

"You're up too, aren't you?" he said, throwing the "ball"(question) back at me.

"Well, I have a reason!" I looked at what he was doing, "What is that? Are you making breakfast? You know you don't have to do that! I can do it," even though I'm a trillionaire (Yes, people, you are richer now!), I know my basic skills, but don't forget I traveled through different animes and games, many of which are very dangerous.

"Since you took us in, and we have nothing to repay you... Let me cook for you." Itachi had already started cooking, so I decided to help, "Then I will help. But for a group of criminals, you guys are too kind..." I don't know why, I like to mumble the last sentence to myself, but Itachi picked up what I was mumbling, "What did you just say?" He suddenly became wary of me... "What do you mean?" I looked at him, tilting my head to give him a confused look.

"When did you find out we were criminals?" Then it suddenly hit me, he heard me, "From the beginning..." I answered truthfully, hoping he wouldn't do something too extreme to my answer. "You knew we were a group of criminals, and you still took us in?!"

Authors Pov. Time: 5:45 A.M.
"You knew we were a group of criminals, and you took us in?!" Itachi couldn't understand, who would show hospitality to a group of criminals, especially ones like themselves. "Is there a problem?" You couldn't understand what was going on, "What's the big idea?"

"Did you ever think we're going to rob...or even kill you?!" To Itachi, this is ridiculous, "At least we didn't cross that bridge to find out!" You hummed happily. Itachi just sighed, this girl is incredible and unbelievable. Little did he know, Pain and Tobi overheard the entire conversation upstairs.

After listening to the entire conversation, Tobi decided to go back to his room, but Pain decided to stay. "How do you know?" To be honest, Itachi knew the answer to this question but still wanted to ask. "I'm not stupid, you know that, Kunai? At me? Plus 'How do we know you're not trying to capture us?' You expect me not to know?" You answer, rolling your eyes.

Pain finally made up his mind and walked into the living room, which surprised Itachi. "Leader" Itachi nodded. " Pain walked to the table and over to the chair. Yahiko said, "Good morning! By the way, Nagato heard you..." You nodded, slightly, wondering what to do now that the leader of Akatsuki overheard that conversation.

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