Chapter 28 - Goodbye Everyone... Or Is It?

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Author's Pov. Time: 6:30 P.M.
Good things will always come to an end. And that for you guys, was more than true.

Your training with Tobi ended a while ago. That signaled something, their stay here was getting closer to the end.

After your training with Tobi ended, the Akatuski didn't get to see you often. You were trying to find them a way back home, and they were the ones who requested it, so why does it hurt to think about it?

It felt like a timed bomb is ticking and no one knows when it'll go off. The atmosphere turned sad. The Akatuski could tell the feeling wasn't only coming from themself, but also from everyone around them.

Attachment is a bad thing, it can then be used for leverage and power. But they have no other choice but to admit it, they got attached to you. Not one or 2 people, but all of them, every single one of them is attached.

If a light shines into the darkness, then the light is guilty. But if the light stays forever and never leaves, then it is the darkness's savior. And the Akatuski is lucky to have received its forever light, now the question is how long can they keep the light safe?

Finally, one day at dinner, the bomb has been set off. You announced to them that you had found a way to get them home. And that you will send them home tomorrow morning.

They were happy that they could finally go back home, go back to the way their life was. But the thought of it hurts, they dread it so much they aren't sure anymore.

This "adventure" had left a splash of colors in their otherwise black-and-grey life. What more can they do now? It'll be forever engraved in their memories, no matter what dark paths they'll walk down now, this is going to be what keeps them together. Not only for themselves but what keeps them all together. 

They came here as scattered individuals, people pulled together for their own gain. They were dangerous to each other before, but now? Now they're leaving as a group, maybe friends, maybe family, maybe still strangers, but never like before. You've taped them together, fixed their scattered pieces, placed them back together, and made them better. They're still criminals, but something, something has changed.

There was nothing but silence at the dinner table, one of the best times of the day just turned into the worst. (They see you every day at dinner for sure).

"That's... Great..." Konan was the first to say something. She was also dreading the leave, but she hid it fairly well. And the rest of the Akatsuki just filled through on what she said. The dinner after that was much more quiet than normal. It was like the grey sky before the storm, the sad rain.

At the end of dinner, you told them they could take anything with them as long as they wished to. And with that, they started packing up. The first thing you did after was to go to Itachi's room. "Tachi?" You knocked before entering, "I'm here to heal you before you go." You told him. You healed him back to the best state possible, as you wish this time his eyes would last longer.

You also took cautious dealing with everything that has to do with his disease. Even if you couldn't completely destroy the disease, you would like to keep it non-spreading as long as you can. "(Y/n), I've heard of a saying before," Itachi started, you looked at him, curious, "What is it?"

He went on in a calm and soothing voice, "If a light shines into the darkness, then the light is guilty. But if the light stays forever and never leaves, then it is the darkness's savior. You are our light, (Y/n). You weren't afraid to approach us, we were dangerous, we were defensive. But you still approached us either way, you stayed until we were ready to be saved by you, to accept you. And you have, you have saved us, every last one of us. You will be the only one who will see something good in all of us." His eyes met yours, there was something burning in his eyes, was it willfulness, was it passion? You weren't sure.

You didn't understand what he meant, but you didn't ask and he didn't continue. The 2 of you continued in a weird but comfortable silence. But maybe you'll learn the meaning of what he said in the far future. Who knows?

And after that, was the following goodbye to everyone. As they would be gone the next day's morning. It was a final check-in the next day, as you finally led them to your lab underground. They looked around in awe, seeing what actually happened down here.

You have finally led them to a glowing portal, they carefully examined the portal, in everything emotion possible. "If you guys are ready, then step in the portal guys," You said, giving them a final goodbye, and hugged every one of them. As the last one of the Akatuski stepped into the portal, you closed the portal and turned away.

"My master?" Laven asked. "What do you need?" You replied. "Are you... going to their world next..?" He asked. "Yes, I plan to very very soon," And that was your final reply.

A Week Later...

As you were checking their room, you found something, fairly interesting on top of Orochimaru's bed, you laughed at his forgetfulness.

One Month Later...

Author's Pov. Time: 6:30 A.M.
You have been getting ready to go to the Naruto world for a full month by now... And you are ready, now. You have more than everything you need in Void Storage, and you have reviewed the plot of Naruto and have memorized it by heart.

Even if you forgot it, you have built-in wifi and a bunch of WiFi stuff on computers and phones. So basically you brought everything you could imagine into the void storage. And with that, you opened the portal system.

System loading...

10%... 15%... 25%... 50%... 75%... 100%

Where would you like to be teleported?

"Naruto" (You)

Error! Characters have memories outside of their world (In meeting you).

Do you wish to erase their memory(s)?

"No," (You)


What age do you wish to be?

"12" (You)

At what time do you wish to be teleported?

"Around 1 month before the first episode starts for season 1," (You)

Where do you wish to be teleported to?

"Inside of the Leaf Village," (You)

Do you have any more wishes to happen after the teleporting?

"To keep all my memories and my powers, including everything I have ever learned about in this world or the other," (You)

The wish has been secured.

Do you have any more wishes to happen after the teleporting?

"When coming back, I wish to keep all my memories and my powers, including everything I have received over there." (You)

The wish has been secured.

Do you have any more wishes to happen after the teleporting?

"No," (You)


10%... 15%... 25%... 50%... 75%... 100%

Teleporting shell begins now...

To Be Continued...

In the "Sequel"...

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