57 - what a friendship

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i looked through our polaroids we took over the years we've been friends. some of them went as far back as 6th grade where we went to school with matching shirts. i smiled, a tear rolling down my cheek. my attention was teared from the nostalgic pictures when my phone started ringing.  

i quickly grabbed it, answering the facetime from louis.

"hello?" i spoke, quickly wiping the tear from my cheek. 

"hey," he greeted me with a smile. it was still pretty early, around 8am and he had obviously just gotten up, considering his morning voice and messy hair. 

"good morning," i said.

"'mornin, why're you up so early?" he asked, a raspy tone in his voice. 

"nothing, i just uh- couldn't sleep, what about you? how'd you sleep?" i asked, flipping through polaroids more as my phone leaned on the edge of my bed.

"i slept good, would've slept better beside you though," louis smirked. 

i giggled at his remark, i couldn't help but smile at him. i found one polaroid of me, noah, and julie from when we went sledding and noah had his arm around me, about to throw a snowball at julie. i frowned a little, now i thought about it, me and noah have sort of drifted after we got back from london.

"y/n?" he furrowed his brows. 

"hm?" i hummed in response. 

"what's that?" he asked me. 

"what's what?" i asked, looking up from the polaroid. 

"the thing you're holding."

"oh." i mumbled. "some pictures of julie and stuff." 


"louis.." i mocked his tone. he then rolled his eyes at me. silence took over our conversation, i started to feel guilt as i could tell louis was starting to get tired of me looking back at me and julie's memories. 

"i dropped her." 

"you did?" he perked up, raising both his eyebrows in surprise as he stared at me through the screen. i nodded in response. 

"y-you really- you really did? and you didn't tell me?" his mouth gaped open.

"it wasn't anything much, i just got so tired of her a-and i told her i didn't wanna be friends anymore. she cussed me out and tried guilt tripping me, so i uhm-"

"you- what?" louis smiled, asking me to continue.

"i just blocked her. yeah, now i'm looking at old polaroids, i tried not to, but, you know."

"that's alright, that's alright! it takes time. god, i am so proud of you, y/n!" he held up his phone over his head, a smile on his face. "look, i'll come see you today if i can. i'll probably be half asleep, though."

i smiled sheepishly, a small giggle escaping from my lips. i really just did that. 

"hey hi! you finally called back, so i-" 

"julie that's not why i called you." i said shakily.

"what?" she replied after a pause. 

"i don't wanna be friends anymore." i said impulsively. i panicked a little, but it felt like a ton of weight was lifted off my shoulders. i felt relieved. 

"what the fuck? what do you mean-"  

"i don't want us to be friends any longer, goodb-"

"THIS IS WHAT YOUR DUMB NEW FRIENDS ARE DOING TO YOU! ARE THEY TELLING YOU HOW MUCH BETTER THEY ARE THAN I AM?" loud and angered screams left her mouth, ringing in my ears.

"what? what- no! my friends have nothing to do with this! i've made healthier relationships and i'm letting go of our toxic one. hm?" 

"julie, thank you for all the memories." i smiled, almost menacingly.

"WHAT THE FUCK- GO TO HELL W-" i hung up on her. her voice cut off as i didn't know how to feel. i didn't know if i wanted to feel happy or worried. but now she was out of my life, i felt free. i slumped back into my bed, letting out a huff. 

what a friendship that was. 


finally?!.!.1.2 sorry this was bad I WROTE IT DURING CLASS NDJFGH

how do u guys want this fic to end

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