19 - driving me mad

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"i'm sure she's just a friend," noah said, drinking the leftover milk from his bowl of cereal. 

"if you don't like him why are you so obsessed with this lily girl?" julie asked, sitting on the table,


i buried my face in my hands, julie had a point. i totally didn't fall in love with this british boy that i just met not even a month ago and, maybe, just maybe, the fact i was so bothered by another girl merely talking to him proved that i might just have just a tiny crush on him. 

another reason i was so bothered by lily might be that louis, possible love of my life, started ignoring me and is SUDDENLY with another girl right after. he obviously doesn't like me.

but, they aren't even together, right?

i don't understand why i felt like this, when louis probably doesn't even like me back at all!
 i have no right to feel jealous because he isn't even my boyfriend. 

i was so close to bursting into tears because of my current dilemma and how i felt, i just let out a huge "FUCK THIS," and ran straight to my room. i could hear julie laugh a little as i lashed out. 

i didn't know how to feel about this, i could never imagine myself getting so emotional over a boy. a boy i met in a foreign country that i'm probably never gonna see again but damn. he is driving me mad. there was so many things going through my head that all i could do was scream into my pillow. i had no chance with such a guy anyways.

when i saw the comment i felt a really weird feeling at the pit of my stomach as if louis had just cheated on me. it hadn't hit me that i did have feelings for louis, and not noah schnapp, not anyone else, just.. louis partridge, until i saw that comment. i felt like such an idiot and all i wanted to do was die, at the moment. 

all the energy had been sucked out of me today, i wasn't talking to noah much since he was asleep, neither was i talking to julie or the other noah since i kinda, i mean really, felt like shit.

it was already 6pm and the last meal i ate was breakfast, i looked like i haven't slept in a month because of how i was mentally. i don't think i've ever cried this much. ever.
i dragged myself out of bed and finally ate some chicken wings that the two brought home.

they tried making conversation but i was just so exhausted that i barely responded. 
right after i finished my food, i washed the dishes and went back to my half-decorated room, to watch tiktoks and probably overthink all of this for a few more hours until i get tired. 

i decided to pick myself up and take a quick shower, changing back into a different pair of sweatpants and a hoodie again. it was already 11pm and i still couldn't sleep, i decided to put down my phone and lay in bed, my head still full of thoughts about louis. i couldn't stop thinking about him and  the stupid comment. i had stalked the girl about 5 times today on every social media, and they seemed to be close friends even before i met louis.

i received a notification and i quickly picked my phone up, still in hope that it was louis.
this whole day, whenever my phone would ding, i looked at the notification, hoping and praying that louis had replied. 

surprisingly, it was him. 
i felt so much happiness rush through my body, when i saw his name pop up on my phone again. i clicked on it and boy was i terrified to see what he had to say. i didn't wanna seem desperate but i was, and i replied instantly.

louis :)

louis :)
im so sorry 
y/n im really sorry
i shouldnt have ignored you

you really shouldnt have

louis :) 
so if you dont mind
open your apartment door
im right here
u dont have to
if u dont wanna but
 give me a chance to explain
i dont think i can do it through text

oh god
i might be the most stupid
girl in the world to do this
but sure :)

i didn't know how to feel, part of me was thinking he was probably tricking me, but part of me was hoping that he actually was there for me, i wanted to fall into his embrace again, i wanted to feel his warmth again, i wanted to hear his stupid laugh and
i wanted to see him
i wanted to see louis partridge again, and i am probably the world's biggest simp because no matter how frustrated or mad i was at him, i still got up, wiped my tears and unlocked my front door. 

there he was, standing there with tears in his eyes. 
i looked like absolute shit right now but, boy was i glad to see him. 


AUTHORS NOTE (pls read)

this might be going too fast
and it might be a little dramatic
and really extra
but PLEASE bear with me 

i really dont know how to feel
abt my writing style in this chapter
but nevertheless i hope u guys
like this HKDJHFS

but finally LOUIS!

also im changing up some stuff so please read this

- julie is and has become very toxic ever since they
  went to london 

- louis and y/n are actually really close, i mean uh,
  were really close ig?? before he started ignoring her.
  like they would talk everyday and even though i didnt
  show it much in previous chapters they are REALLY
  close friends

have a good day guyssss

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