35 - i know you

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i heard the doorbell ring, followed by the opening of julie's bedroom's door. the thing is, her shared room with noah was way closer to the front door than mine was, making it easier for her to get there and open the door than it was for me.

i put down my phone, running outside my room and to the door.

"who is i- oh! its you," julie said, once she saw him standing at the door.

louis smiled awkwardly. "i'm assuming you're here for y/n?" my friend asked him. he nodded.

"yeah! uhm, hey louis!" i quickly approached them. he smiled back at me.

"thanks for opening the door, julie, but i've got it," i said. she muttered something under her breath, and walked back to her room.

"sorry about that," i mumbled.

"no, it's alright!" louis said immediately. i pulled him into a hug, intaking his familiar scent. his touch giving me comfort nobody else could.

"are we gonna go back to your bedroom or-" he cut himself off and laughed.

"yeah yeah," i giggled, as we both made our way to my bedroom.

"quit messing with my hair!" i scolded him jokingly.

"but your hair's really nice, and it actually smells really good," he pouted. i rolled my eyes playfully at him. he sat beside me, wrapping both his arms around me and resting his chin on my shoulders.

i smiled, blushing uncontrollably at his affection. my stomach instantly filled with butterflies. he would take strands of my hair in his hands, and twirl them around his finger or stroke my hair gently.

i grabbed my phone from my bedside table, receiving a text from millie.


y/n uhh our casting team needs ur phone number
is it okay if i give it to them?

titty twister💃🏼
UHM yea its alright

FHGJSG yay okay
also you'll be back in about
a week and a half right?

titty twister💃🏼

yes im so excited
i just know youll do great

titty twister💃🏼
im really nervous
i mean??? its not like ill get the role
right????? JJJSJSJJ

y/n dont say that!!
seriously dont doubt urself

titty twister💃🏼
ASHDFJKD yeah sorry 


"uh, i've never actually watched stranger things before," louis admitted.

"you- wHAT?" i stammered.

"yeah," he chuckled, my mouth gaped open and my expression was filled with shock.
"okay okay so, i was literally gonna watch it already, right? but then i found out i was gonna be in enola holmes with millie and i didn't wanna see her as, you know, eleven, while we were filming the movie." he explained to me. i let out a sigh.

𝐌𝐘 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 , louis partridgeWhere stories live. Discover now