04 - not a date

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julie scoffed, "not that hot, you say." she said under her breath.

noah gave her a weird look as you all proceeded to eat your food.

"mmm, you took so long down there, y/n." julie complained.

"probably with her friend louis." noah added, you both gave them a look and they just continued to eat.

"you should be grateful i came down and got you guys food," you said, a bit annoyed.

after a while you were all done eating and it was already around 3pm. you, julie, and noah have been playing among us together for almost 30 minutes now.

"im boreddd" you said, turning off your phone.

"i'm gonna take a shower," julie said, you and noah nodded. then my phone started to ring, and you checked to see who it was.

unknown number

"who's that, y/n?" noah asked,

"i dunno, unknown number" you said, slowly clicking the answer button.

"hello?" you said softly,

"who's this?" you asked, 

"it's me, louis." the voice said, "oh, heyy! what's up?" you responded, leaving the hotel room so your friends couldn't hear what you were saying. 

"so, are you free tomorrow?" he asked,

"uhm, i'll ask my friends. hold on," you said,

"hey, noah! are we free tomorrow?" you asked, peeping your head through the door

 "why?" he mouthed,

"because, i- uhm, i need to do schoolwork and i heard there was a really good stationery shop here in london and i need to go- pick up some supplies." you lied, a really bad lie in all honesty,

 "alright, umm, i guess so." he answered suspiciously.

"yes, i'm available tomorrow." you told louis. 

"that's great! meet me at the piano downstairs tomorrow at 2pm." he said,

"okay! oh, do you have insta?" you asked, 

"mhm, it's louispartridge with an underscore at the end." he explained,

"okay cool! see you tomorrow!" you said excitedly,

"alright, bye!" you both said goodbye and ended the call.

you walked back into the hotel room and you saw julie and noah sitting there whispering to each other,

"she definitely likes him," you overheard noah say,

"but have you seen him? he's so hot. how could she not?" julie whispered,

"shut up, no he is not." noah complained,

"h-hey guys, am i interrupting something?"  you smirked,

"oh, no! come, let's uhm, watch a movie together!" julie sqeauled, and noah looked at you and gave a small, awkward smile. you decided to brush it off and watch a movie with them.

after a while the movie was done and it was already dinner time.

"julie and me can get dinner for you." noah said,

"no, you don't have to!" you said, "i can come along,"

but they kept insisting and you let them go in the end.

"see you in a bit, i'll make sure noah doesn't eat your food before we get back," julie laughed, closing the door and following after noah.

"bye!" you shouted, making sure they heard you.

your pov
"bye!" i shouted, i jumped back onto the bed and scrolled through instagram. i was really bored, and i remembered that louis gave me his instagram. i went to find his profile and i gave him a follow. 10k followers, wow.


hey louis!

uhh, who's this?

oh! it's me, y/n. from the hotel lobby?

quick question
why is your username dinochickennuggs

oh thats cus i don't want people to find me on social media

but why dinochickennuggs-

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