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★━━─ ・‥...━━━☆

"jackson's back in town?"

lydia jacobs was in a simultaneous step by rue bennett's side during their walk towards fez's home. there was only a nod in response to rue's question due to the sensation of her piercing gaze across lydia's side profile. silence consumed the teenagers after that due to the fact they'd remained in constant conversation since the minute lydia showed up at the bennett's bedroom window with a contagious grin.

the lack of conversation only lasted mere moments, however, once rue's voice was heard once again.

"how do you feel about that?"

lydia's shoulders shrugged nonchalantly, a seemingly unbothered smirk forming across her lips despite the words to come next. "it's not going to end well, it never does."

rue spared lydia a sideways glance once they reached their destination, yet before a response could be made, the jacobs girl was rushing to the front door. of course, the act was enough to let rue know not to push the subject any further.

"yo, ash!" lydia slammed her fist against the metal door before her eyes found the camera above their heads, successfully flicking it off alongside rue before the door was swinging open completely. "fucking finally."

"hello to you too, princess." jackson held an amused smirk across his lips as his frame leaned against the door once lydia entered at the first opportunity, the bennett girl hot on her tail. "and rue rue, holy shit!"

rue was pulled into jackson's grasp after his words fell dramatically. lydia had already rounded the corner in search for fez before the chance to catch sight of the moment. rue's genuine laugh that echoed through the home, however, was easily heard. a lingering smile tugged at lydia's lips, and it only escalated once her eyes found fez's frame.

"fez, hey." lydia's gaze flickered to fez's grandmother that remained bedridden. he was managing to bathe the woman as she slept peacefully hooked to multiple machines. "do you need help?"

"no, i got her." fez nodded gratefully towards the jacobs girl before motioning to the chair across the room with his head. "all yours."

yet before lydia could make any sort of move, rue's voice was ringing through the hall.

"yo, you guys know how in every 90s thriller, right, morgan freeman plays like the same semi-psychic black cop." rue came to stand at the doorframe after jackson successfully passed her in his way towards the only remaining piece of furniture in fez's grandmother's room. "so, i know that's kind of racist, but the point is in every movie, he's always calmly putting the fucking pieces of the case together, while everybody else around him is fucking freaking out saying 'you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, morgan. you're a fucking bad husband. you should fucking retire."

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