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★━━─ ・‥...━━━☆

"oh, shit. that's the girl who tried to commit suicide at mckay's."

lydia rolled her eyes at bb's words. the jacobs girl was by cassie's side, their arms intertwined as they walked. cassie had caught onto the bruise that was on her wrist despite how far lydia had went at attempting to hide it. lydia ignored the worried looks the blonde was sending her way.

"wait, what?" quickly came from both maddy and cassie.

"oh, yeah. i forgot you guys was both fucking." bb replied with a grin. lydia rolled her eyes once again at the mention of cassie having sex with mckay that night.

maddy let out a dramatic breath. "why does everyone think we fucked?"

"no one thinks you fucked, mads. we know you fucked. we were literally there." lydia furrowed her eyebrows towards her brother's on again, off again girlfriend. "listen, i don't care what you do, but don't lie about it."

"i think i blacked out." maddy tried to excuse her actions, lying through her teeth. lydia nodded, turning on her heel to walk into the school.

"lyds, where're you going?" cassie yelled out after her, obviously confused at the girl's sudden action of leaving.

truth be told, lydia knew she had no reason to be mad at maddy for her actions that night. she wasn't nate's property, the two weren't even together that night.

the jacobs girl just found herself frustrated. whenever maddy acted out to cause jealousy to rise from the boy, lydia always ended up in the middle of it, even in times when she didn't try to be. she was tired of receiving the backlash of nate's anger towards maddy.

lydia had told maddy on multiple accounts how nate didn't deserve her, but the perez girl took the words in one ear and out the other. lydia found it pointless to say nowadays. she could see them marrying, living like cal and martha. nate being stuck in his glory days while maddy raised their dysfunctional kids— creating their very own dollhouse.

★━━─ ・‥...━━━☆

"so, let's start with a little improvisation. i'd like each of you to get up and tell us a five minute story about your summer."

lydia rolled her eyes internally at the teacher's words. she hated first day introductions. she saw no point in it knowing that everyone forgets every word you said once you step off the stage. her mind went blank of any story that was appropriate enough to share, for most of the summer she spent either searching for someone to buy from other than fez or she was actually using the drugs she did buy.

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