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★━━─ ・‥...━━━☆

"pick up." lydia paced her bedroom anxiously, biting her nails due to the feelings she was being forced to face. "pick up!"

lydia tossed her phone across the room when the sound of the voicemail was heard. the object luckily landed safely by her pillows. she pulled at the roots of her hair out of frustration, letting out an exaggerated breath.

the withdrawals were beginning to take effect and lydia despised the feelings that were hitting her at what seemed like full force. it was as if she'd been on a rollercoaster that'd been escalating slowly until it inevitably came rushing down.

the carnival was due to start in a mere hour and yet, lydia stood in the middle of her room on the verge of losing her mind. her thoughts raced and the feelings she'd been running from quickly became overwhelming to the teenager.

a humorless laugh slipped past lydia's lips when she stared at her reflection through her vanity mirror. the dark circles under her eyes were more visible, causing her to look as if she was a dead girl walking.

and mentally, lydia felt as if she was in fact, dead.


a knock was heard on her bedroom door, cal's head leaning into the room a second later. he had a gentle smile on his features, obviously cheerful for the chili competition that would occur that night.

"we're leaving in a few. you're welcome to ride with your mother and i, unless you want to wait for nate."

lydia glanced back to her reflection in the mirror, letting out a breath. "um, actually, i'm going to ride with lex and cass, if that's alright with you."

cal nodded after a moment, seemingly contemplating the question asked. "that's fine, just—"

"be there on time." lydia concluded, sending her father a nod. "i know. wouldn't want to set a bad rep for the jacobs, right?"


"i'll be there, okay?" lydia's tone of voice had quickly taken a 360. "don't worry."


and with that, cal shut the door behind himself, leaving his daughter alone once again.

★━━─ ・‥...━━━☆

lydia had lied, yet again.

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